Friday, September 30, 2011

Ashton & Demi no Moore? They have been living on separate coasts for months. Rumor has it that they may be separating after 6 years of marriage. Photos of Ashton have been on line of him with “his mistress.” I know he has that great contract with Nikon a great camera company, couldn’t he control some of his pictures to remain private?
Star Magazine broke the story and has been interviewing the mistress and the couple has not been seen together lately. Ok! Who cares! America cares. This is the kind of crap Americans follow. But, it brings to the surface the inevitable path of women in society today. They were an extraordinary couple in that Demi was 20 years older than Ashton.
The reality is, Who is surprised that a 30 year old wants to bang a 20 year old? He has the choice between a naturally beautiful juicy 20 year old and a menopausal 50 year old who probably had some cosmetic work done? Demi looks much younger than her age and has kept herself looking great throughout the years. Few men can do that at any age. However, eventually the juices run dry. There I said it.
When she was 30 she looked 20, when she was 40 she looked 30. 50 is 50! Demi should have found a 20 year old again. But this time, don’t fall in love. Have the affair and move on. Don’t bring him home to your young children and say, “This is your new baby Daddy!” The sex at least must have been great! The couple have not released a statement about a break-up but all the gossip news is having fun.
This must bee real. In the past rumors have always surfaced about the possibility of a breakup but they always released a press release saying that they were still madly in love and followed up with legal action against the tabloid that spread the false statements. Not this time.
Ashton was interesting when they first got together in that he said. “I have nothing, no money so Demi must love me for me.” Well, now he has plenty of money with movies of his own, product endorsements and his new job replacing Charlie Sheen on Two and a Half Men. He slid into the role easily and the first show of this season featuring Ashton was the most watched show that night.
Maybe the guy has realized that he is not a kid anymore and he spent the last 10 years not really going out with anyone else. Marriage is a sham these days. No one really stays with anyone an lifetime. Especially the guys that are tall, dark and handsome throw in rich too, we may have another Charlie on our hands. Tabloids! Go get him!
George Bush made water a National Monument. It’s not bad enough he was sitting tall at story time in a school while 3,000 people were on fire or crushed in buildings He is signing bills to protect sea water that is within the boundaries of our country anyway. It is the world’s largest ocean. Plenty of water for anyone. An area of over 60 Million square miles. That is more than all the world’s land mass combined. It extends more than 12,000 miles at its widest point. It is also home to the deepest parts on earth. It is the Pacific Ocean. Not the most peaceful in the world. It is surrounded by underwater volcanoes.
World War II used the ocean as its battlefield that made authors like James A. Michener write “Tales of the South Pacific.” It inspired Musicals like Rodgers & Hammerstein’s “South Pacific.” Operas were written about Americas sailors who fall in love with Asian women. All of western America from Washington State to Southern California enjoy its beaches.. Coastal Asian countries down to Australia all enjoy the fish and sea life.
Today it is a cargo highway bursting with international trade. If it is made in China or Japan it probably got here in a cargo ship crossing the Pacific Ocean. Giant ships with truck flatbeds of goods piled six trucks high by 15 wide per ship at times fill the horizon even in the middle of the ocean. It is huge but a very busy water highway.
In 2009, George W. Bush designated 195 thousand square miles of American waters as National Monuments. Why? Did he think developers were going to build something? How does he plan to preserve the ocean from well anything.. If there is a pollution disaster say from a leaky oil tanker he can’t save anything, its in the Ocean.
Well, at least now we know that George did something.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Ray Kelly, the Police Commissioner has his own army in New York City, bigger than the FBI. I was a cop and taught in the Police Academy but no one’s career can compare to his in the area of police work. After 911, New York got a lot of money to use to improve security and they did, and thankfully, no incidents have happened in part due to the most sophisticated surveillance in the world used in New York now.
Recently we had the 10 year anniversary of the devastating attack on 9/11 and this past week N,Y, had the United Nations General Assembly meetings with 137 heads of states moving all over the city. How do you keep all these controversial leaders from all over the world safe? New York is congested enough. Why do we compound it with the United Nations there too. They should move that building to somewhere in the middle of a desert with great hotels and get them out of the way of New Yorkers. We got enough of problems.
No city at any time anywhere has a security challenge like that. Well, Ray Kelly has a reputation for getting things done. N.Y. is lucky to have him. He is 70 years old, fought with the Marines in Vietnam, joined the N.Y.C. Police Department as a Cadet and along the way picked up a Law Degree and a Masters Degree from Harvard. Ok I was a cadet and served 10 years as a transit Police Officer until I got hurt on the job chasing a suspect, I got the Law Degree and the Masters in Business while working as a cop. Only I didn’t go to Harvard and I’m too young to have served in Vietnam. I got the Serpico name. That should give me extra points. After all, Frank Serpico single handedly exposed one of the largest corruption groups in police history! Kelly has more points in this game than I sadly.
Now ten years after 9-11 with an investment of Billions of dollars, Kelly has created what he believes is the most powerful and technically advanced terrorism bureau that anyone has ever seen. By air, land and sea, the nation’s largest terrorism squad is on alert in N.Y. America’s largest city. One thousand officers many of them armed like soldiers are part of a presence that is meant to send a message to terrorists that N.Y is too tough a target anymore.
N.Y. is now the communications capitol and is still the financial capitol. The city has been attacked successfully twice in the past. There have been 13 terrorist plots against the city since 9-11. No other city has had that. Kelly left the force 4 months before the attack. The Mayor asked him back and now he is still here as Commissioner. He knew that N,Y, could not rely on assistance from the Federal Government alone. Their own security had to be formed.
Kelly has the green light to employ 35,000 uniformed Police Officers and 15,000 civilian employees. What security company has all that manpower of 50,000 people at its disposal? His police force is bigger than the FBI. He works in unison with the secret service. For example, when heads of states come to N.Y. as in the United Nations meeting, he has to know what threats have been made to each and every leader that visits here for their special protection.
He had snipers on the rooftops, divers in the Hudson River and helicopters circling above the United nations building and Obama driving around the city too. All this only 10 days after the 9-11 Memorial service went without any problems despite car bomb threats to the area. He protected 8 Million Americans on that day. How? He has a brand new joint operations center hidden somewhere with great surveillance watching every downtown street.
He can see everything from one room that has representatives from the military, the FBI, Federal Emergency Management and State and local first responders. The center is the work of 10 years and 3 billion dollars of work to pull things together in a crisis. Ten years ago, the firemen could not even talk to each other effectively. They mostly followed the smoke in the air. Then there wasn’t any military present in the air or on the ground immediately after the attack. Mostly dazed zombie like people covered in ash just moving about the city. It was a true American disaster from the stupid look on Bush’s face at story time in a school to the dazed devastation that the city instantly became.
Now, the N.Y. City Police Department has the equipment and the training to take down an aircraft. There is astounding surveillance technology that has been built specifically for the N.Y.C. Police Department needs. Out on the east river police boats have the technology to track nuclear heat that might be present in the cargo ships that port in N.Y. daily. There are radiation detectors circling the city in helicopters. Thousands of cops now have hand held nuclear detectors on their gun belts. The surveillance is so sensitive that people who have had medical radiation treatments trigger the detectors.
It is nearly impossible to walk anywhere in lower Manhattan without being on TV with 2,000 cameras everywhere, soon to come 3,000, all fed into a master computer hidden somewhere. It is a 150 Million Dollar surveillance system that no one else has yet, that monitors the radiation detectors and all those cameras. The smart computer knows if a package has been left unattended for al long time and will contact a officer to check out the situation. The system can also track a suspicious person based on a description. It will track all people with red coats on if they were reported suspicious.
The most important deterrent to terrorism is the people that are employed. His force speaks 60 languages and dialects. He has his own intelligence officers around the world in places like Abudabi, Jordan, Leon France where Interpol is located, Paris, Madrid, Telaviv, Montréal, Toronto, Singapore and the Dominican Republic. When terrorism strikes abroad, the cops stationed in those countries send back details of how and where the act took place so we can secure the same types of areas at home like a bombed train or something. We are now alert to all our trains that are vast and all over the city.
When they bombed the Hotels in India, the police there did not know the interior layouts of exits in the hotel. Kelly has a data base that includes the blueprints to 700 major N.Y. Hotels in it for the police activity use. He has stopped a possible attack on the bridges to the city. The terrorists backed off because there was too much protection around the bridges and tunnels in the city. He stopped a possible bombing of the Times Square part of the city. The problem is that cops have to watch everywhere, a terrorist just has to watch one place and try to destroy it. Hopefully, the message is getting out that New York is not the place to bomb anymore.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Pleasure We’ve got to have it. What is pleasurable to you may not be of any use to someone else. It can be as simple as a sunset or as decant as a dessert. Or, as extravagant as a weekend in Paris. We all have our own little pleasures. Pleasure is an instantaneous feeling of something good.
Professor Gregory Burns, a neuro-economist at Emory University notes that some pleasures are no less a matter of survival. When you ask a teenager what gives them pleasure they usually say sleep. Basic needs, food sleep and sex.
Yale Psychologist Paul Bloom says why we enjoy what we enjoy is very complicated. He wrote a book called How Pleasure Works. Pleasure is as much about our brain as our experiences. Cost of something is engraved in our brains as being better. He did a test. He gave people a wine tasting test. The wine he told them was very expensive was the wine most thought was the better wine. In reality, the both bottles were average priced wines. The parts of the brain associated with pleasure and reward are stimulated.
Expensive works only on humans. Your dog doesn’t care if it is spring water from a bottle or water from the faucet, humans want the filtered spring water. People get pleasure from spending lots of money on non-essential things like stuff at auctions. For example, was Michael Jackson’s jacket worth $1,800,000 dollars? Or President Kennedy’s tape measure sold for $48,875 or Eric Clapton’s guitar sold for $959,500?
At auction, when someone’s famous garments were washed, they lost value. It is like you washed the famous out of the garment. Sometimes it can be as simple as going to a good cupcake shop that gives immediate pleasure. Isn’t that why we give a crying child sweets or ice cream as soon as we can?
Then there is benign masochism. That is why billions of people world wide eat hot chili peppers. We know it will pain our mouth and even make our eyes water, but, we eat them anyway. The same reason we watch horror movies that terrorize us. Why we like sad songs that make us get emotional. Your mind is saying I will master this nasty and then I will feel pleasured. Same with roller coasters, I will master the thrill of near death and then I will feel better having conquered near death experiences.
So, after the near death thrill of bungee jumping or anything you can think of doing on a dare devil level, why must we do it again? Experiments have been proven that surprises are pleasurable. When people say, “the first time is always the best” it is because it is the best. You surprised your senses. What is truly great about life is that there is always something new. Something to look forward to and hopefully to enjoy no matter how weird, exciting or just tasty.
Don’t forget the pursuit of finding someone that finds your pleasures pleasurable too. You can experience the “first time” pleasure together if you are lucky.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Rage Against The Machine has a guy Tom Morello who is just like Obama. Although he is a musician for the band, he is also politically charged. He has an album out now called “Tom Morello The Night Watchman” and calls it world wide rebel songs.
Recently Tony Bennett got hammered for saying what he feels, free speech, which means if you want to continue making money, you have to apologize for something. There is a hysteria that follows every crisis that makes people more paranoid. Tom points out that after 911, even songs were banned from the airwaves of radio that have been around forever that we all sing along to.
Songs like Imagine from the Beatles, Walk Like An Egyptian from the Bangles, You Dropped A Bomb on me by the Gap Band but the entire catalogue of Rage Against The Machine was banned. The discussion about these issues should be discussed not censored by the government or society. There is nothing wrong with putting something out there and saying, “There, I said It” and most people that say something controversial don’t really want to apologize for anything, They are really happy for getting their statements off of their chest.
Tom Morello is just like the president in that he started being a scheduling secretary for Senator Allen Cranston for a number of years. He is ethnically like the president in that he is half Kenyon. He is like the president in that he is also a Harvard graduate. Like the president he is from Illinois. And most importantly. Like the president, Tom has been on the cover of Rolling Stone Magazine.
Tom claims that he is unlike the president in that he has balls. Tom wants Obama to stop trying to please everyone and wants him to fight against the Tea Party. Fight in congress for the working class and poor in this country. He is fighting back through his music. Currently we have a broken government comprised of opposing sides. Nothing will be accomplished unless the radicals, reformers and reactionaries get together and truly try to solve problems.
We have a divided government and the only way to get anything passed is if they can find a way to reason together. Face it, Wall Street and corporate America own America and that is why nothing is being done for the people. America is due for a major protest like the protestors in the Middle East. We did it before with the hippies of the 60’s who said the the Vietnam conflict was not worth fighting for. Now we have our young men and women volunteering to fight for weapons of mass destruction that don’t exist. Their torso comes home because all their limbs have been blown off by friendly fire.
They come home to no job and Mom and Dad just lost the family home to foreclosure. The cost of everything has risen that you can’t even afford to buy healthy food. We have pipelines all over Alaska for oil profits but no troops saving our land from out of control forest fires and no pipe lines with water for our cattle and farms. Americns need to protest how they are being treated by our elected officials.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Jerry Springer is needed in society. When the courts fail you and you believe that you have been swindled or treated badly, you need to be able to yell, and tell someone off. Even beat them up. Well, Jerry’s TV show is the place to be and to do it. “The Jerry Springer Show” debuted in 1991 and started as a politically-oriented talk show.
All you have to do now is call the number they flash often during the show and you are scheduled to air your differences with anyone you want. There must be a need for this type of violence and venting otherwise the show would not be successfully aired for now its 21st season. What show stays on TV for 21 years with new fights , I mean content for so long. We need Jerry Springer and his tolerance for rage and violence.
Critics say the show is promoting dysfunction and is exploiting discourse in this country and bringing civility to an all time low. Jerry says “guilty” and is proud that people are able to vent their opposition without someone saying “order in the court” F--K order I’m going to tell you off! If the Oprah show was still on, she would have the same people on but would not allow the guests to use profanity or try to punch each other. The ratings for “The Jerry Springer Show” increased more last year than any other syndicated show. He always has security on stage.
I have a friend who recently revealed that her daughter was married to a creepy guy who maxed the credit cards, was violent to her, even somehow stole her student loan money and divorced the girl after a long term relationship. She is now 29 and is jaded and afraid of relationships or marriage and is damaged from many of what should have been the best years of her life. The courts are not in her favor and lawyers are expensive. I said she needs Jerry Springer. Why do people get insulted?
Jerry says you can call his show anything you want but do not accuse him of exploitation. He is a lawyer, a Mayor and has been in journalism for ten years. His show is voluntary and at the end they can change anything they want if they change their mind before airing. Before the show the guests have a list of 21 surprises they might want to reveal during the show. They don’t know when the surprise will be revealed but they already agreed that this situation will be revealed during the show.
He protects the show from being sued by having the guests sign this disclaimer so that they won’t say, If I knew they were going to reveal that , I would have never gone on the show.” He has never been sued. He has been on TV for so long that now he has the crazy children of past guests. These people were told not to have kids and they did anyway.
Jerry believes that anyone who puts themselves on TV have to endure the consequences. The problem is that the media jumps on stories now without any concern if revealing the story will hurt the family, hurt their career, hurt their marriage or humiliates them. That is why people are committing suicide. The TMZ’s and reality shows say they are not responsible for any harm their reporting does to a family or individual. The media says in response to that is that in the news business, the public has the right to know. Do they really have the right to know stuff I don’t want anyone to know? 95 % of the stuff on TV we don’t need to know. So, his show in a way protects people. They are there because they want to be there they are not being exposed by a photo they didn’t know was taken or an accusation that was made without their knowledge.
Now we know why his guests are so over the top in dysfunction. His guests are weird, outspoken, really damaged people that are so damaged they don’t even care if the world knows their problems. Just let me scream about it and get a piece of the bastard who did me wrong.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

We cannot live like a Cancer. The lion and the bear does not kill more than it can eat in a day. Greedy humans consume more than they need. Cancer grows and grows and is never satisfied. The greedy corporate elite are a Cancer. The hedge fund manipulators on Wall Street are a Cancer. Anyone who is presently making Billions of dollars each year are Cancer.
We live in a world where half of the people on earth are suffering from poverty from a natural disaster or political strife or loss of an economy. The other half are profiting from the disasters and not helping anyone. At least those who suffer from the loss of belongings find the comfort from each other. They seek friends and family to hug and cry on their shoulder. Are the filthy rich really happy?
Take the life of Tom Shadyac. He is a hollywood director who made Billions from his successful movies. He made The Nutty Professor movies with Eddie Murphy, Ace Ventura: Pet Detective with Jim Carey, Liar, Liar with Paul Giamatti and Bruce Almighty with Steve Carrel. His hit comedies brought in nearly 2 Billion dollars. He lived the fantasy life of most of us and stood with Hollywood’s elite. He attended extremely large parties, owned private jets, fancy cars and bought a 17,000 square foot mansion. One of three homes Tom owned around the world.
He was surrounded by everything that our culture called the good life. He found himself alone wondering what was his purpose in life. He then directed and produced a documentary called “I Am.” It focuses on how he gave up on all his unnecessary possessions to live a much simpler life. He felt that having things was living a lie. Success in our culture is determined by how much stuff you have accumulated not by the character of a person.
Right now there is a 2 Million dollar trailer on a Manhattan street for Will Smith while he is filming Men In Black III. Success should be calculated by loving acts, help to community, generosity rather than greed. He believes that the entire human race is connected. We are all hardwired to cooperate. If you don’t do what your heart wants you to do, it can destroy you.
Nature is very clear that there is one fundamental law that mankind breaks everyday. The law that has evolved over billions of years is that nothing in nature takes more than it needs. The redwood tree doesn’t take all the soil’s nutrients, just what it needs to grow. A lion does not kill every gazelle, just one. Cancer in your body takes more than its share. Tom felt like he was part of a cancer. He couldn’t have enough stuff.
So, who are you? Do you need the materialistic life to make you happy? Or just what you need to sustain life? Are you the author of your life? Or, are you following what other people lives are about? Tom gave up his mansion up for a mobile home. We used to worship people for doing something, something remarkable . Now we give the word Celebrity to people that do nothing like the Kardashion girls and the Jersey Shore clan.
We now have “Reality ” TV. There is nothing real about these shows. If they were real they would be considered boring. They are sensational. If we follow these shows, we are the Cancer that is feeding the farce. Be grateful for the people in your life that do the filthiest jobs because they make you feel better.
Tom now lives in 1,000 square feet and insists that he is happier. The question is , Is the essential nature of humans to cooperate or to dominate? Do we need kingdom or democracy? Cooperation is more valuable than competition. Competition without boundaries can be criminal. The basis of nature is cooperation just look at any species in how they migrate in groups making every turn together from schools of fish to groups of birds.
Nature has been around for billions of years. Humans have only been around for 175 thousand years. We still haven’t got the cooperation thing down yet. Humans are always fighting each other over power or land or riches. We haven’t learned how to cooperate with each other. We give ourselves titles to simply say I am better than you, and that probably is not the case.
Think food. You have to have a empty stomach to eventually feel full again after a good meal. The wealthy are always full and never feel a new sense of satisfaction. They just need more and don’t know why. Who cares about who dies in my journey for more and more wealth?
Science has proven that there is a compassion nerve in our bodies. “ Big parts of our nervous systems, our brains, little chemicals in our blood stream, all shaped by genes are there to help us connect, care and share.” says, Dacher Keltner Professor of Psychology, UC Berkeley. There is a vast group called the Vegas nerve in our bodies. It is when your chest expands and you tear up at a good part in a movie or when someone or a dog is rescued. The sensation and rush of emotion.
Someone tell the world leaders that we are all connected. Tell the greedy bastards to only take what you need and for you, pursue your inner happiness for a good life.
Go Republican or Democratic. Yes, we still have roughly two years before we vote for the next president and we have to at least take sides in the matter. Recently I watched two Republican debates with what I think is an open mind. From the first overview, the group looks like Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. I hardly recognize the name or faces of most of the candidates. You almost wish Sara Palin or Hillary Clinton was up there too. At least we all know who they are and we need more women up for grabs, America is ready.
As usual, many subjects were discussed and there are always a few standouts to put the boxing gloves on first to throw personal accusations around. Usually about who is the worst liar like the barbs between Rick Perry and well anyone he can pick on.
I’m not going to get caught in the web of politico’s and take anyone’s side. Lets just judge by what the audience did in response to some of the things discussed. There was a gay military guy who had a question about sex in the military, he was booed and told by Rick Santorum that sex doesn’t belong in the military.
Keeping score, they applauded executions, cheered letting an uninsured man die and booed the active serviceman. Then there is the evolution debate between the Bible and scientific theory. Yes, the Bible wins with this group. Close the hospitals and pray for healing gets cheers.
Then there is poor old graying Obama on the democratic side. Ron Suskind the author of Confidence Men states that Obama is better now than when he got to Washington. Remember he was in charge of nothing when he got here, just his one man show. He is suddenly in charge of the most complex managerial organization on the planet , the American government.
He then surrounds himself with essentially the same group of cabinet members that Bill Clinton had in is Presidency. Obama was only a Senator for a short amount of time. People voted for him because he was new and not part of the old boys club in Washington but he was inexperienced at being a manager.
Obama arrived as something of a Messiah. He had a 70% approval rating and 2 Million people stormed Washington welcoming him peacefully on the Mall on inauguration day. That was his big chance to reform the way money flows in this country with so much support from this country’s citizens. Just in the past few days the stock market dropped 700 points without much reaction because Americans are too exhausted to react. Once you are slapped enough, it really doesn’t hurt anymore. We are numb from our financial worries.
He had an opportunity to cast this country to new greatness with all his “change” themed speeches. So, you sit back with a drink and look back on the past 2 years and reflect despite our present troubles.
His list of achievements is still remarkable. He diverted a depression, he saved the American automobile industry, got health care passed for every citizen, Wall Street reform, we have a Consumer Protection Bureau, reformed student loans, cut the fees on credit cards, got the troops out of Iraq, repealed don’t ask don’t tell, put two women on the Supreme Court and even killed Bin Laden. No wonder the guy has grey hair.
After all that, Obama has a cense of confidence and changed most of his staff to his handpicked guys. He knows now how to handle his opposition and force his ideas through. The book is about Obama’s evolution as a leader. Unfortunately, he only has a few months left to sell more confidence to the American public before the campaign season swallows him up. There are a whole bunch of born again Christians, tea party folks , racists, poor folks, unemployed and foreclosed homeless folks waiting polishing their boots to kick him out.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Cary Grant was a drug addict! So says Dyan Cannon who reveals the secret of LSD use during her marriage to Grant. She tells this tale and other interesting things about the kind, handsome old guy we all grew up knowing in the movies in her new book titled “Dear Cary, My Life With Cary Grant.” He is dead now for awhile, so, why call your book Dear Cary and reveal something years after his death that I’m sure was a very personal thing especially in those days. We are talking about drug use long before the hippy days of the 60’s and 70’s when we thought drugs were cool.
Cannon is really old now and met Grant when she was 23 years old and he was in his 50’s and they married. Pretty scandalous then. She must need the money now from book sales however the book cover is a great old picture and it reveals another difficult life from a well known kind and loved celebrity.
Sleeping with Cary Grant was probably every woman’s dream one day ago but Dyan Cannon did and had him for awhile. In her book, Dyan Cannon shares the story of her romance and marriage to him. She believes that he was attracted to her because she was one of the few women who said no to his advances. Of course, eventually she gave in and said yes.
He had a tough childhood. At ten years old his mother died and his father was an alcoholic and as the only child, he missed her greatly. The father married a much younger girl and has a child with her and tells Cary there is no room for him in his new life. He is then forced to live with his cousins. He never got over the abandonment issues in his life. He then left for a traveling theater group when he was 13 years old.
In 1965 Cannon and Grant married, soon after they had their only child, Jennifer. She reveals that during that time he was taking the LSD in an effort to “create peace in his life.” He wrote about it years ago in Ladies Home Journal and mentioned over 100 trips according to Cannon. Now, who thinks acid is therapeutic? We all know that it is a haluciagen that makes you see crazy images.
She says that he tried to make her take the drug in an effort to improve their marriage. Why didn’t she write this book when he was alive so that he could at least agree or disagree with these accusations? She says that he became very critical, moody and controlling of her after the baby was born.
In defense of him. She never saw a trace of homosexuality in him even though there were rumors that he had affairs with men. Dyan was his 4th marriage and said that the sex was great and that she was the only woman that gave him a child. The rumors were him with Randolph Scott, another actor.
She left him because she reluctantly took the LSD that made her crazy and had a breakdown. It resulted in her being admitted to a psychiatric hospital. She took a lot of pills and smoked marijuana. Collectively they both took a lot of drugs. She always saw him in a calm state because she believed that he took a valium to calm him.
Why reveal his habit if you say you still love him and that he was kind and sweet and wonderful and gorgeous as she describes him? When you are the 4th wife and only wife still living , don’t throw him under the buss. Let us all remember him as the great guy we all knew in his movies.
Fabulous Florence. Florence Henderson has a new book out about her very busy life called Life Is Not A Stage. So who cares? Well, we should admire her when you read about all the interesting things and firsts and busy personal relationships she has gone through throughout the years and she still looks great for a older woman.
She is probably best known for the sweet and kind wholesome Mom of six children on the Brady Bunch TV show of the 70’s. However, she started her career on Broadway in a show called Fanny. Carey Grant visited her 6 times after seeing the show over and over again. She was also chosen at one time to be one of the hosts on the Today Show and did that for about a year but then decided that singing and dancing was her first passion and gave the job up to Barbara Walters.
She was also the first woman to have taken the guest host job for Johnny Carson on the Tonight Show. She loved that job because he had great writers and the jokes flowed easily. This woman had a great career. Who knew? She also looks great and says that she still works out three times a week.
Coming from a very poor family it is amazing she was able to break out of her poverty. Her father worked in the tobacco fields in Indiana. She was one of 10 children and would beg for money if she sang you a song. Her mother eventually left the family while her father became an alcoholic. She learned to get him sober by making him drinks of milk and raw egg and a little whisky.
To break out of her dismal life she took a Greyhound buss every day in high school to Kentucky. There she met her still best friend of 50 years who was wealthy. Her family paid for Florence to attend the Academy of Dramatic Arts in NY. Florence was very musical and got the lead in all the school plays. Without her friend’s financial assistance she probably would have never left her dismal life.
Barely 17, she was in New York. She had a marriage that lasted 29 years and had 4 children of her own. She eventually got the Mom role on the Brady Bunch and wanted her character to be very sweet. She created a Mom role that she never had at home and always longed for. The show is still in syndication shown in 120 countries all over the world.
She always knew that her “Brady Bunch” husband, Robert Reed, was gay. She noticed the struggles he had if they had to do any loving scenes.. She never outed him because she knew it would have been devastating for his career at that time. She felt compassionate for him knowing the struggles he was going through at that time. He was playing the father of the world and had to be in the closet.
She admits that throughout the years, she has had several extramarital affairs but the most notable one night stand was with a well known politician. The then Mayor of New York City, John Lindsay left her with crabs after they slept together. He was known for his good looks, tall and very handsome, he admitted that he probably gave it to her.
With a fear of flying she went to hypno-therapy to control her fears. She liked it so much that she learned how to became a certified hypno-therapist. She admits to having an affair with her teacher. Her kids tease her and say he hypnotized her. What a fascinating busy woman!
Now she is dating and has out lived her husband and all her boyfriends. Raised Catholic, she was one of the firsts to ask her Priest to give her special dispensation to use birth control and was granted permission. She believed in things that no one was doing at that time.
In the book she reveals how she met various celebrities and comments on their character. When she met Sinatra, he was one of the few that she didn’t sleep with. Who would imagine that such a boring mom on a TV show would have such a fascinating fulfilled busy personal life. She is one of the first women that did it all successfully. Career, marriage, children, getting out of poverty and looking great in her older years.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Rachael is a Ray of hope now. She is the very successful celebrity chef on TV that doesn’t look like a chef. Not a large man or someone with a foreign accent cooking up snails. She has the looks of the girl in the third row in class with the nice smile but not really noticeable because she’s not the hot blond or the dorky smart one with glasses. She’s just ok.
Well, for a girl that never went to culinary school, she has become highly successful. Born in 1968 in Massachusetts, raised around food all her life, she made sandwiches and pretty much stuff anybody could make in the kitchen. But then she started marketing her “30 minute meals” and wrote several cookbooks along the same idea of a meal quick and easy. She now has a few Emmys for her show on TV.
In addition to all her books, programs and products she has gone a step further to devoting some of her time to charity. She established Yum-O a nonprofit organization, to educate young people and their families about the importance of good nutrition and to help feed American children in need.
This year she is in her 6th year of her popular TV show. She has become so influential that her first guest this season was a former President of the U.S., Bill Clinton. Why? Because they are both very committed to children’s food issues. She has a thing called The Children’s Initiative which has been around for 4 years now that has three goals. To eradicate hunger, childhood obesity and a scholarship program.
President Clinton is in a program with her through his campaign called The Alliance for a Healthier Generation. He appears on her show at times to promote healthier children. Other guests are well known actresses like Salma Hayek and Celine Dion. What is so great about her now is her using her fame and voice to lobby politicians to fund good programs of food for school children.
She realizes that everyone is poor now and can’t afford the high prices of fresh fruits and vegetables. Kids are eating too much pizza and pasta because it is a lot cheaper to buy and can be the main contributor to our obesity. She wants to bring culinary arts to the schools. Kids need to learn how to cook. You used to learn this stuff from mom but either she is working all the time or working out at the tennis club these days.
As soon as you improve a kids diet they tend to perform better in all other areas of their life. Areas like better self-esteem, they stay in school and get better grades. She is providing simple recipes for free on line to all schools that fit with the guidelines of nutrition in school budgets. She even wants the schools to plant gardens as part of their curriculum and use their produce in the school kitchens for their meals. Does that mean no more fish sticks that go straight into the trash?
Yes, the ordinary girl at school has extra-ordinary plans for American children and we should support her causes because they are all good and her ordinary food recipes are good too. Many chefs have exotic designs and art works for food choices or cook stuff still with high fats or sugars. Her simplicity works.
I hope she could hook up with some other Presidents or CEO’s of food companies and spend time to revamp all the boxed foods on the store shelves to drastically stop using so much sugar and fats in our foods.
Call it Dancing With The Sideshow Act! What happened this season to this show? Of course I am talking about Season 13 of Dancing With The Stars and the highly unusual cast of the 12 new “celebrity” contestants as the producers like to describe this eclectic group of individuals. Yes, I call this freak show individuals because you have a weird group of people competing for a mirror ball!
The stand outs are three guys, the nameless, the dickless and the earless. Yes, that was a mean comment but it is also mean to me that I have to see a great basketball player who already got voted off the show tonight known as Ron Artest but insisted on being called Meta World Peace. He was guilty of simply doing the typical black rythematic moves that come naturally to all black people. It was confusing that he had dyed blond hair and beard reminiscent of Dennis Rodman another colorful basketball player. The best part is when he placed his hand near the host Tom Bergeron’s head and covered it completely.
The dickless is of course Chaz Bono who looks like the bearded lady at the circus. All right they don’t have the freaks at the circus anymore but they are on this show. Now, this thing was the cutest little girl on the Sony and Cher show back in the 70’s. It never pursued a career in the entertainment field like so many children of celebrities do. We haven’t seen or heard of this self mutilating thing for 35 years. Hardly a star! She cut off her breasts, gained way too much weight as if that is what a man should look like and still has a vagina in her pants. The thing can’t dance either. It looks like Mr. Potato Head with flailing arms and legs. No one ever mentions her/his health issues from being so fat. The saddest thing is that Chaz otherwise known as Chasity Bono was the daughter that Cher misses. At age 60 something she has to hold onto the memory of her beautiful daughter who has taken hormones that change her voice. Cher is still so sexy and misses her now dead daughter. But she has Chaz now.
The earless is a guy J.R. Martinez who is an Iraq war veteran who was a handsome brave guy that had his face and ear destroyed from severe burns to more than 40 % of his body due to a landmine that exploded while he was driving a Humvee for the U.S. Army. He is a brave guy in that he then pursued and landed an acting career by getting a principal role on the soap All My Children on ABC. The poor guy sustained his injuries at age 19, went through 33 different surgeries including skin grafts and cosmetic surgery. He lost one of his ears so the camera men show close-ups of the hole in his head where a ear should be. He is such a nice guy that he jokes that he is looking for his ear on the floor. So sad. So exploited. A fine man who should be the poster boy for no more wars. Hand out tranquilizing guns like what they use on elephants, have all the angry sleep awhile and then get on with your productive lives. No more senseless wars mutilating people.
Then there are some notable women. No, I am not talking about the highly feminine Carson Kressley who dances like a chicken that just had his head cut off. The problem is that his head is still on. He is already flirting with the other male dancers. Just put him in a strapless dress and let him loose. This guy cannot dance or act like a guy. What exactly is he talented for? Being gay? Ok we got it!
The most ridiculous “star” is this fairly attractive Italian Elisabetta Canalis who is not known in this country for anything other than F--king George Clooney for about five years. He won’t marry her either. She hasn’t got thrown off the show yet.
I can go on and on ok that Nancy Grace is a live Miss Piggy and I am sorry for insulting the puppet. Yes, the puppet has more personality and dance moves than her. Her star power is that she is known to pick on red-neck inter breading criminals on her cable talk show. She spends most of her time making fun of her dancing partner’s heavy irish accent. Soo crude!
The biggest tragedy of this show is the lack of professional American male dancers. Are they all gay and have died of Aids? Where are our home grown talented dancers? All the professional dancers in this competition have names like Trebunskaya, Chmerkovskly, Smirnoff and Murgatroyd. Did they check these people out for green cards?
This season is a train wreck that I am sure to watch each and every 2 or 3 hour dragged out episode. They even spent lots of money on the ballroom that now is three stories high looking much like a European opera house. Hopefully, someday this show can attract really talented stars to participate in their cha.cha,cha’s instead of has-beens looking for something to jump start their somewhat careers.