Monday, November 13, 2017

Prosecute the Predators

Image result for sexual assault
The only way we are going to stop unwanted sex acts on anyone is to change the laws. Maybe if the sexual predators knew that what they do is a serious crime and not just a sick joke they would keep their sexy thoughts to themselves and do what they have to do in private. Maybe even have sex with someone who actually wants to have sex with them.
1.       We need longer times to file sexual harassment cases. Those violated need time to get over the shock of it all and to asses if they want to go public and be able to testify in detail about their unwanted assault. In most states it is one year and that is far too short a time to come forward.
2.       Put an expiration date on confidentially agreements.  Say five years. If an accuser wants to speak out about what happened inappropriately to them, let the victim eventually vent if they choose to. The attacker should NOT be able to call the shots.
3.       Let’s have companies keep records of sexual harassers. Sometimes the records are destroyed like it never happened. The way pedophiles are targeted, make it known who exactly might still have a job there.  
4.       Have a website that red bullets the locations of where a sexual predator lives. The general public needs to know what kind of creep might be living in your building or next door to you.
5.       Stop giving huge payouts to the rich guys like Roger Ailes who got $40 million dollars to leave his job after it was discovered that he was a sexual predator. Bill O’Reiley got millions of dollars too, just to leave. Stop rewarding these kinds of guys. If you have sexually harassed multiple women the law should say, you get to go away with nothing.
6.        I personally prefer castration, this way there is no junk to flash around, but that’s just my opinion. Sigh!
Louis C.K. is a comic recently accused of sexual misconduct who is different from all the other famous men who has taken advantage of people sexually. At least he admits it ALL. Actress Rebecca Corry came forward today publically disclosing her unwanted advances by him back in 2005. These are things that happen that you never forget. Many times people do not come forward because they are thinking about the bigger picture. At that time she was working in a show that executive producers Cortney Cox and David Arquette was producing when Louis C.K. came into her dressing room and told her he wanted to masturbate in front of her. The producers were disturbed and supportive of her and offered to shut down production of the show.
People don’t want their work to be stopped, they want the sexual predator to be stopped. Rebecca did not want her assault to be the reason for many to lose their jobs, didn’t want to lose her job and didn’t want the show to end. So, for the most part she went silent while she saw Louis C.K. going on with his sick predatory habits, getting richer and more famous. If we had better laws, HE would have been dragged off the show and countless women would be in a better place now. Now she wishes she shut down the production because doing nothing and saying nothing is NOT a solution.

Right now Kevin Spacy is part of a criminal investigation because he made advances on a minor. Prosecutors are planning to meet with the alleged assault victim. So far 15 men have come forward accusing Kevin of sexual abuse and harassment. Lawmakers!  Make some real laws!

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