Sunday, December 4, 2016

What is his plan?

Ethics, Business deals, favoritism is all Trump already in a very toxic cocktail.  He has already   annoyed China by bothering Taiwan with phone calls.  Tried to influence the governments of Ireland and Scotland to get rid of their offshore windmills which ionically make the value of his shore line golf courses undervalued. Can he possibly be using the Presidency and the value of the America brand to enhance his personal wealth already even before he is sworn in?
Trump always brushes asides questions involving potential conflicts of interest between his duties in the Whitehouse and his business interests abroad. The fact remains that he has unresolved financial conflicts. The United States problem is that we have never had a President with so many global deals. It is uncharted territory for the United States. Is Congress going to give him compromises in corruption or throw the bum out? For example he has relations with a Philippean developer building a Trump tower there. Jose E.B. Antonio is Trump’s business partner. Already Antonio was named a special envoy to the United States last month.  Antonio and the Trumps have a number of projects in development.
Trump doesn’t know much about White House policy since he does whatever the hell he wants to do randomly anyway. What he does know is that there is a 1978 Ethics and Government Act that the President is exempt from. I am sure he will hide behind that document. Keeping it short, he could run his business out of the oval office but says he won’t.  He has already met with the Indian government and has discussed several projects built through companies with ties to prominent political parties according to the New York Times. Trump met with several Indian business partners at Trump Tower after the election. He is NOT slowing down his business endeavours for this country.
Trump has golf courses in Ireland and Scotland. The Trump organization executives are fighting to build a sea wall on the Irish coast preventing sea life from coming ashore. He has executives lobbying against wind farm development in Scotland. Trump reportedly discussed wind farm with the United Kingdom leader Nigel Farage.  Then there is his own self- imposed ban on Muslams here in America that now   they want to remove his name from the buildings. The Trump Towers in Instanbul has become a insult to the country. Developed by the Dogan Group it is run by media mogul and a highly influential political family. At least on this one Trump acknowledges a conflict of interest in one 2015 interview. How does he feel now since he changes things all the time.

Only Congress can stop him. Will they? We have the problem of in Nixon times, the President Richard Nixon said “ When the President does it, it is not illegal.” That is the type of attitude Trump will have and will try to strut on. The problem is that this attitude can’t work when you have business interests across the globe.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

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