Tuesday, February 21, 2012

He has finally made a movie where there are no stabbings, no shooting, no gunfire, no one gets whacked. Has Martin Scorsese gone soft? We find out that he led a very soft childhood where because of his Asthma he never really even left the house. Now with his fifth wife and his child he has finally produced a nice clean movie . He is Martin Scorsese
His latest movie is called Hugo where he is nominated for an Oscar. This movie is unlike any other movie he has produced in the past. He found inspiration for this film in analyzing old films. His main inspiration for this film came from the work of Georges Melies who was a magician at the turn of the century. Hugo is a tribute to Melies.
In the film, Scorsese shows just how the old magician did his tricks. Melies who directed over 500 films between 1896 and 1913 was the inventor of special effects. What is nice is that the original old footage is shown in this film. He could also be considered the inventor of humor on film. But by the end of World War I, Melies was a forgotten man.
He was reduced to selling wind up toys in a Paris train station. Hugo is a orphan child who lives in a Paris train station who rarely leaves viewing the world from behind a giant clock. In the movie it is Hugo who rediscovers Melies and his films. It is a heartwarming children’s movie with a happy ending. It is similar to Martin’s childhood in that he viewed the world from his apartment window.
Martin is suddenly having a sweet connection to children. He already received the Golden Globe for directing on this film. During his acceptance speech he quoted his wife by saying, ”Why don’t you direct something our daughter can finally see?” He was 57 years old when he fathered his only child who is now 12 years old. All his previous films were about anger. He himself says he has been angry for 35 years.
Martin was such a sickly child growing up that he couldn’t go outside like other children did. He had to view other kids fighting and playing from his window. That view of his world was his arena for directing as a child as well. He finds similarities of his childhood to Hugo’s childhood in that they both viewed their little world from a small window. He also feels a similarity of his life to Melies the magician in that they are both experimenting with the latest technology which is why Scorsese filmed Hugo in 3-D.
He did not use 3-D like they did in Avatar where things are flying into your face. It is a kinder gentler 3-D that is more like real life with an added element of depth. He has an editor who has been with him for 50 years and even she is surprised at the kinder gentler Martin. His happy marriage to his 5th wife helps. He has also become a doting father to his 12 year old daughter.
Every Saturday he picks 2 films for her to see and discuss afterwards. He must be grooming her to be in the family business some day. He admits that in all his life he has never missed the passion for films, watching them, making them, talking about them and loving them. He will probably get the Oscar for this film.
His latest projects is Directing and Producing HBO’s Boardwalk Empire and there is a big screen movie about Jesuit priests in 17th century Japan called Silence and a Frank Sinatra biography picture. He might even produce something for the internet as well. He feels that wherever it can be shown now is a change in medium just like the antics of Melies in his day was the basis for film in those days,
Ultimately, leave the artists along to make whatever they want to. We just might get something new and informative as this film is to all.

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