Sunday, November 22, 2020

Treasonous Trump


Trump is Treasonous to our military when he does that govt. shutdown that only took wages away from our military. When the Russians had bounties on our soldiers head he did nothing. When the journalist living in America got killed by the Saudi's he did nothing. When he told Russia to find e-mails he is treasonous. When he has private meetings with Dictators over our allies he is Treasonous. MAGA means Moscow Agent Governing America. When he opens up our shipping lanes in the Artic to Russia he is Treasonous. , “Treason against the United States, shall consist ... in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same Act ...”. The American Heritage Dictionary further defines treason as “the betrayal of one's own country ... by consciously and purposely acting to aid its enemies.”

The U.S.'s top intelligence advisers have concluded that the Russian dictatorship is our enemy and even Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan has said that Russia is “not our ally” and “remains hostile to our most basic values and ideals.” Yet Trump constantly defends Russia and does not sanction them for anything. Instead he money launders his properties to them.

Over the past five years, Russian dictator Vladimir Putin has grabbed the Crimea, established a foothold in the independent state of Ukraine, turned the Syrian strife into a victory for Bashar Assad (another U.S. enemy), and has, through cyber-warfare, worked to have Mr. Trump elected president. A nice string of wins — and, clearly, Russia is our enemy! No matter how President Trump has ignored, denied, and now halfheartedly acknowledged Russian meddling in American politics (he can't get his story straight), he threw the U.S. under the bus in Helsinki.

Before not just two witnesses but millions watching and listening to the joint press conference in Finland, Mr. Trump groveled and made his views clear: he takes Mr. Putin's “powerful” denial of meddling as true over anything national intelligence director Dan Coats and his team have warned him about. Now, compounding his treasonous statements (and, by the way, keeping secret what he and Mr. Putin discussed behind closed doors), Mr. Trump announced that he had invited the Russian dictator to the White House in the fall.

Trump is Treasonous , Impeached and lost his re-election. Now Drag Him Out of our Government.

Such a meeting, on our soil, was a further insult to the U.S. and must not be allowed to happen. As willing as President Trump was to believe North Korea's Kim Jong Un, he will likely be charmed into overlooking Mr. Putin's continuing interference in American democratic processes (they are ongoing) and the possible occupation of the whole of Ukraine and, perhaps next, of the Baltic states which have felt threatened. Mr. Trump cannot be permitted to host Mr. Putin, who has lied, ordered killings, rigged his own re-election, trampled human right within his nation, and now uses cyber-warfare to influence Americans' opinions.

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