Thursday, October 4, 2018

Is the game over? Is Democracy over in this Country?

Image result for republican domination in the branches

Republican leadership now dominate this country. I would like to point out with my friend something and I’m not being a pessimist about it just a realist as our current politics and the Republican Party along with their dear leader are abhorrent to me as they are to any decent human being.
We have already lost, they control the legislative branch, the executive branch and they are going to ram this turd through to control the judicial branch, and what are you going to do? Vote in November? I know I am but here is my salient point.

So, do you honestly think these evil (and make no mistake about it they are and that has been our mistake not recognizing that sooner) people are going to let you take away their power at this point. 

Where are you going to fight they have proven beyond any reasonable doubt that unless you are with them and their disgusting agenda (look at his face, doesn’t it tell you that plain and simple) you are against them and they will do anything to make you conform to their vision. 

They won’t be reasoned with (If this hearing doesn’t prove that you nothing will) they aren’t intimidated (Charlottesville anybody) they have law enforcement on their side (Umm how fast are they arresting peaceful protesters for anything that you disagree with them about) any law enforcement that might help stem this diseased tide of hatred is being systematically destroyed (The orange buffoon calling the FBI a cancer on our society WTF!!!! people) The Fourth Estate has been discredited incessantly by him and by his state run propaganda machine (ie Fox News) 

So again I ask you what do you think is going to happen in November when the Blue Tsunami hits them square in the face and they lose horribly. Go meekly away, acquiesce to will of the electorate, honor our system of government. As Bill Maher noticed and commented “This is a slow moving Coup” well guess what if he gets Confirmed that’s the last piece and it is no longer a slow moving one, it has happened

Please let this sink in how deep in trouble we are in. If you see my point please comment and share as we needed as many eyes on and brains working on this as possible and I know I am not the only one who sees it.

We have been checkmated and we didn’t know we where playing till it happened.

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