Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Time to move

They keep telling us how close the election is. Sometimes Hillary and Donald are very close in the polling numbers. One thing for sure we are just months away before we have to have a new president. I keep hearing more and more that if either one is elected, people will be moving to Canada. They don’t trust her and well he is just crazy. Do we need to pack up before he decides to build a complete wall around the country? Why Canada anywThey keep telling us how close the election is. Sometimes Hillary and Donald are very close in the polling numbers. One thing for sure we are just months away before we have to have a new president. I keep hearing more and more that if either one is elected, people will be moving to Canada. They don’t trust her and well he is just crazy. Do we need to pack up before he decides to build a complete wall around the country? Why Canada anyway?
What makes Americans think that Canada would want them anyway? It is kind of insulting to Canada to know that they are the refuge of last resort. If Hillary or Donald become President should we be shooting ourselves in the head with Canada? What could possibly be a fate worse than Canada? Ok Six months of winter sounds pretty bad. Some Canadians even spend their summers on ice. Ice skating is fun, exercise and is social and needs plenty of cold weather.  On the ice is probably the only place that Canadians are aggressive. Canadians are too apathetic to protest anything.
The last time Canada accepted a flood of immigrants from America   was during the Vietnam War. People were burning their draft cards and running to the border. 240,000 Americans fled the draft to Canada.  Over the last decade only about 9,000 Americans have moved to Canada each year. There they have a Prime Minister not a President. At least the Canadian   pleasure for Baseball is as fearless as Americans. They do not have Trader Joe there for natural foods or Target for whatever else.  Tim Hortons is the name of the popular chain store there.  The favorite to eat is Poutine which is French fries, cheese curd and gravy.
Your biggest adjustment will be having to carry the Queen in your pocket. Her picture is on the paper money. You have to pledge allegiances to her majesty the Queen Elizabeth the second. It will be odd to be living under the same monarchy that Americans defeated in 1776. While some Americans will be considering a move north this year there are about twice as many Canadians that are willing to take a chance with their lives and move to America. I don’t think there are many Americans that are willing to head north, no matter   who wins the election. Americans don’t flee their problems. We protest and attack them head on. We value free speech and don’t shut up.

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