Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Public Awareness about Natural Disaster like Flood and Earthquake (Education)
There are many International and local societies whose main job is to protect people from natural disasters such as floods and earthquakes. They are funded by governments as well as from donations from people who care. They are: CBDM/CBDRR Community Based Disaster Management/Community –Based Disaster Risk Reduction
                                                   CBHFA Community-Based Health and First Aid
                                                  DRR Disaster Risk Reduction
                                                  IFRC International Federation of the Red Cross
                                                  ISDR International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
                                                  NGO Non-Governmental Organization
                                                  UNISDR United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
                                                  UNDP United Nations Development Programme
                                                  VCA Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment
All of these disaster relief societies have a long reputation for educating communities on disaster risks. Most of it is done for children and in schools. For adults there is a document called Hyogo Framework for Action that is a global blueprint for disaster risk reduction efforts. It is designed to be a help guide for planning for public awareness among adults to produce highly successful outcomes when faced with a sudden crisis or potential disaster cause by nature. These guides and organizations are needed to provide education and help to people that will naturally run into chaos. Extra calmness and viable solutions must be implemented immediately when faced with a disaster in order to save lives.

Related imageAny amount of information given to the public is important in a community because we are talking about what to do when faced with many hazards. Hazards are earthquakes, floods, fire, heatwave, drought, tornado, lightning, volcano, avalanche, landslide, hurricane, cyclone, typhoon, terrorism, food shortage, power shortage, and water shortage. All   these types of changes in our lifestyles need to be dealt with in a peaceful and organized way to avoid chaos.

All of these hazards can involve death, injury, loss of shelter, loss of community or of employment. Remember that a disaster is when your community has extreme dysfunction when there is widespread human loss, environmental loss or economic loss. We need outside international organizations to come in and help when we are so overwhelmed by these natural forces that we are no longer able to cope, to pick up and restore goods and vitally need services. Earthquakes are listed at the highest risk level because there is really no way to prevent it from happening. Scientists can tell us where earthquakes are likely to occur but eventually they are unavoidable. The only sure way to be safe from an earthquake is to not live in a earthquake region.

We must all be the target for public awareness for any flood or earthquake so that we will know what to do if we are caught up in a disaster. Education is key and charity is essential. Governments can spend money on warning systems so people can find adequate shelters from unexpected storms or natural disasters. Most importantly people need to be generous and try to save each and every person who is in possible danger for the sake of humanity and justice.


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