Thursday, October 22, 2015

Nigerian Mostly Involve In Cyber Scam and Fraud (Others)
Why do people say that Nigerians are mostly involved in cyber scams and fraud? Because there is an alarming population that consider scams and fraud a way to make a living. To them cyber scams is   an honest occupation,   whatever definition of honesty they actually have.  The most common scams involve someone allegedly in Nigeria who is in some sort of trouble, ranging from detention to extortion   or hospitalization. The sender is making an appeal for money. Hopefully the stranger they are begging for money will just send them some and many people from America do just that.
Related imageThey also disguise their appeal for free money by telling you that you just won the lottery or has inherited large sums of money. All lies, but if you want to fall for it you kind of deserve to be scammed.  The lies continue by telling you that in order to receive these large sums of money, you have to provide them with your valid bank accounts or be required to just send them a fee. Yes, send them money. The scammers just want your money or personal information so they can just take your money out of your accounts. Scammers will work hard at their work. They will scroll the Internet for possible victims and will try to develop a relationship by e-mails with a prospective victim. Yes, trust still matters.   They will work hard for your trust and sympathy simply to gain money.
Scammers can be very clever and deceptive, creating sad and believable stories that will make you want to send them money. They are the masters at deception and fraud. To gain your trust they will send you pictures of them and even copies of their passport. You should immediately send those pictures to the U.S. Embassy in the country where the passport was issued   in order to verify the validity of the document. Beware of anyone who requests funds for a BTA, or Basic Travel Allowance simply because they sent you a sob story about a sick relative they need to visit. Under United States Law there is no such thing as a Basic Travel Allowance in this country. So, don’t do it.
Related imageYou can detect a scammer when they claim to be born and educated in the United States meanwhile their e-mails are full of grammatical and spelling mistakes similar to what a foreigner would make. Don’t fall for their lies. The scammers may even claim to be contacting you from a United States Embassy, where your partner, business associate, or friend is being detained pending payment of some kind of fee. You should know that United States Embassy[s do not detain people.
So, If you wish to be a charitable person, give someone deserving money in their hand if you have to to avoid being defrauded of your life savings or be in fear of your life because a scammer is taunting you on a regular basis.

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