Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Don’t you dare feel sorry for yourself. Don’t feel like there are no choices left. Above all, do not feel like life has nothing to offer anymore. Instead, read the book about a truly great guy who against all odds has a wonderful life all because of his attitude towards life. Even President Kennedy once said that life is unfair but this guy who has been dealt a very unfair set of cards makes you almost feel bad about yourself for ever complaining about anything.
The truly great guy is Nick Vujicic who just wrote his second book called Unstoppable and is already on The New York Times Bestseller’s list. On the cover of the book he writes, “The Incredible Power of Faith in Action.” After reading the book you almost feel guilty for having what you have in life but then after seeing how he conducts his life with having so little, well, you realize that it must be faith in himself in action that is the force that drives him to get things done; somehow.
I found this book more inspirational than what any preacher could tell me in any church especially since the so called inspirational leaders of our clergy seem to always be failing us. They are so wealthy, they abuse our little boys, they even decide to walk away during the holiest time of the year while having the gift of having the holiest position here on earth. Yes I am talking about the Pope.
Imagine giving birth to your child and instead of the doctor proudly giving the mother her child immediately after birth shielding her from looking at the baby. It happened to Nick. He was born without arms or legs. He is a fully grown man now if you can even say that and has a full and vibrant life. The man plays miniature golf by holding the club under his chin and shaking to move the club.. The man swims and dives into a pool and waves the odd looking foot kind of thing attached under his torso.
He does not see himself as a disabled person; in fact, he reveals that sometimes he forgets that he doesn’t have arms or legs. He gets through life embracing what he does have rather than being angry for what he doesn’t have in life. It is an inspirational message that he takes to millions around the world as a motivational speaker and draws sell out crowds. At age 30 he is busier than he has ever been in life. He can type 60 words a minute with that strange foot or fingers that jet out from his torso. He can make eggs fry by balancing a bowl under his chin and shoulder.
Whether it is skydiving or surfing his torso on a board or even kicking back a soccer ball back with his finger thing he seems to do even the most athletic things with a smile. Despite his good hearted nature you know that life has not been an easy ride for Nick. Born in 1982 in Australia his Mom was shocked that he was born this way with no warning from her doctors being a trained mid-wife herself. After 2 ultrasounds and eating well even without tea or coffee her doctor did not detect a problem.
His own father had no expectations of him and assumed he would live in a vegetative state with no future. The condition is very rare. He learned to adapt by riding a skateboard on his belly and playing ball with his head. When he was six years old he was given a state of the art prosthetic set of arms and legs but by then he was so used to doing things without the plastic contraption that he opted never to use the thing. What did feel right was his specially designed powered wheel chair that lets him go everywhere. Despite everything he could engineer for himself to keep up with the others, the curious looks and just plain laughter at people getting a look at this torso with a talking head , well, there is no escape from that.
Going to school was the most difficult thing in his life from the bullying not from any difficulty in doing things. The emotional toll had him crying everyday. At age ten he tried to commit suicide and drown himself in the bathtub but then couldn’t do it. He realized that he must use his uniqueness to tell others that their life couldn’t possibly be all that bad if he could overcome all his obstacles. He now has a foundation called Life Without Limbs and his motto is From No Limbs to No Limits.
It is a place where people can overcome their troubles. What he loves most of all is receiving hugs from others after all, there isn’t any hand to shake. He wants people to say he looks different but he is still cool so it is ok for me to just be me too. He is a very cool man to his 25 year old wife who already gave birth to their completely normal fully limbed out baby. He is a very gifted and happy man. You could be happy too.

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