I love it. It is my favorite. And , No, I didn’t run out of things to write about yet. It looks great and is the most popular in the world and like 84% of Men, I love to just pop it in intact, 41% of women love to just pull it apart and then lick the white cream. Yes , I am talking about the Oreo Cookie that is now 100 years old and has gained the distinction of being the most popular sandwich cookie.

Lets be interactive for a change go get your Oreo cookie and see my thoughts for real in your hand. If you are a cookie lover, it can be better than porn, well maybe not but we are doing it together. It is very archectularilly beautiful in design looking like a cornice on the edged and in the middle is embossed the logo with a kind of old TV antenna between the R and E. Since 100 years ago, people have loved this cookie for both it’s taste and design.
I agree with Paul Goldberger who is the Architecture Critic for the New Yorker Magazine. He notices the ridges that go all the way around the edge that creates a wonderful texture as well as gives a frame to the designs in the middle of the cookie. All of the embossing also makes it easier to grip. (stop laughing at the analysis).

Then there is Judith Klausner who is another artist who like most women like to pull it apart to get at the cream. She goes a step further. With a fine needle, she has made the filling her canvas and in the spirit of the Italian Florentine ornate Cameos carved into kappa shells, she carves elegant faces into her own Cameos into the cream. Surely, works of edible art.
Over its century long life the cookie has had three different designs. The current design that you are about to eat has been used since 1952. So who cares about how it looks? It is ultimately the taste that matters the most; after all it is a cookie! 35 Billion of the tasty cookies were consumed just last year alone. People enjoy it right out of the package and also enjoy it being used as an ingredient for other dessert delights.
At a place called “The Donut Pub” in New York City, they stuff muffins with Oreo Cookies. The muffins are soft inside but somehow the Oreos remain crunchy. Around the corner from this place is “Hill Country Chicken” the Italian Pastry Chef Paula Peruchi puts her Oreo Cookies in a chocolate flavored pie shell that has pudding in it. Top it with smoked almonds and whipped cream on top. Well, you got a really fine desert there.
Then there are the copy cats like Food Blogger Audre Wahab also know as the Baker Chick who makes her own Oreos. She calls it a chocolate wafer cookie. Fako Oreos. The most fako Oreos are the Hydrox Cookies that kinda look like them but are not as good in design or taste. Even their name is not as good. Hydrox sounds like something I would take to cure a dehydration problem.

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