Thursday, October 13, 2011

Former Congressman Anthony Weiner’s “Sexting” dialogue is to be printed and released in a new tell-all book. Ok, they already got rid of this creep who was a very outspoken person on the Congressional floor, who reportedly “earned” $175,000 a year taking very suggestive pictures of his body in the Congressional gym locker room.
He had it all, a great job, beautiful wife who has a equally great job earning the same amount of money he did working as Hillary Clinton’s personal assistant. He is soon to be a first time dad, was hand picked by Senator Schulman and was in line to be campaigning to be the next Mayor of New York. Instead, his brand of a script for a bad porn movie will be published soon.
Save your money and just look back on the Blog I posted back on July 25th called Political Sex. I quoted the script that he had with Lisa Weiss a Blackjack Dealer that he had a very sexual conversation with. This new book is by another of Weiner’s friends Traci Nobles.
Just when he thought the dust has settled in his life Weinergate makes a comeback. Traci Nobles tell all book is full of genuine juicy messages from her and Anthony. So, don’t by Cosmopolitan, or Playgirl or Playboy for the juicy stories printed in the back of those publications, read my Blog or buy this book. It’s called “I Freinded You” and accordingly it’s appropriately salacious and full of dirt from the deep, dark secrets that Weiner shared with a cheerleading coach over an 8 month period.
Now, I could care less about his personal life, that is if he kept it personal. I do care that he yelled at everyone on the Congressional floor as if he was a member of parliament and was adamant to spread his morality to the American people. I do mind that he was paid well to work for his district and instead was “sexting” from his congressional office and was bragging this location to his various women.
Of course, Weiner is the one who originally shared all of the scummy comments, but should society commend the author of this book and active participant in the highly sexual dialogues by giving her a book deal? Is this the way to publicly humiliate his family members all over again?
At least as he resigned he was heckled at his arrogant speech that sounded more like a political re-election babble of his resume. He was arrogant to the end. He had the nerve to say that the people from his district had the same moral values as himself. He even discussed as he was resigning the accomplishments of his father. Obviously he said anything to avoid the sad issue of why he was there.
He went on to say how proud he was of sharing the middle class values of all New Yorkers. Buddy, most New Yorkers don’t make high six figure salaries and are luckily to have their pregnant wife making the same salary while pregnant. He referred his actions as simply a distraction from the good work he was doing for the people he represented. Luckily, when he finally said he would resign, the crowd cheered.
The resignation speech was further drawn into a circus atmosphere when a writer for the Howard Stern Show, Benji stole the Mojo by shouting questions,” Congressman, were you fully erect? And, Are you more than seven inches long?” during two separate moments in the speech. No one throws Benji out and Weiner continues to thank anyone he can think of. It looked like a comedy sketch from a late night talk show. The last words heard was from the heckler who asked Weiner if he will maintain his physique. Yes, we are all stuck is the ever ongoing nonsense that represents politics in America today.

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