Tuesday, June 28, 2011

News Brief!!!! Albany legalized Gay Marriages on June 25th. Yes, now gay people can be legally miserable as most marriages are. The entire phrase, “till death do we part” is a total farce. Years ago people would stay together even if they hated each other ”for the sake of the children”. Most kids are now victims of their parents divorces living out of suitcases being shuffled from one house to another or are currently being sent to Camp because daddy has to pay for camp in the settlement. Most families are legal settlements now.
Why would gay people want to be part of a definition of relationships that clearly doesn’t work and is no longer a respected institution? Even devout religious people who get married in their house of worship of choice and is a donating member of the religious group has all kinds of annulments now available in front of their God that for a donation price will have your marriage declared in front of your god deleted from the house of worship records. For a Price.
You can have 4 or 5 biological children from a “’marriage” and the house of worship for a price of about $800 donated dollars will declare the marriage and vows null and void even though there are a bunch of kids of those two running around. Yes, they are legally bastards. The word gay means happy. Most marriages are not happy for any length of time no less a life sentence.
The fact that two people have decided to stay together without any legal paper is infinitely more beautiful than a legal paper or a guilt ridden vow in front of any representative of any religion that is also full of rules that you must abide by. Most religions even tell you what you must eat or what you shouldn’t eat on certain days or even starve yourself for a length of time for a God. I’m Hungary! Don’t F--K with my appetite.
Like everything in the world the gay rights movement that has been going on for many years is all about MONEY. With legal marriages for people in same sex relationships opens new and more business for lawyers, health care providers, insurance companies etc. etc. all occupations will benefit from the droves of new customers. Gay partners will be able to have the health benefits they desperately need if they do not have their own plans but their partners have coverage. This is a boon to the health care industry that will now have many new members on their plans.
The religious communities are not accepting this new law. Orthodox Jewish and Roman Catholic leaders are speaking out on the law and not accepting the decision into their religious laws. The bill submitted and approved by Gov. Andrew Cuomo and passed by the Assembly shields churches, synagogues and benevolent societies, like Knights of Columbus, from civil actions related to the law, and grants them the right to deny couples from using their facilities to solemnize or celebrate a marriage because of religious reasons.
Unlike the gay-marriage statutes in Connecticut, Vermont and New Hampshire, the New York law doesn’t extend that protection to religious nonprofit groups, such as Catholic Charities. The New York law also doesn’t protect churches or any religious group from being penalized by the government for refusing services or accommodations to same-sex couples. Connecticut, New Hampshire and the District of Columbia bar such punitive actions.
The state’s human-rights law allows religious-affiliated charities to promote their religious principles and to give preference to people of the same denomination with respect to hiring, membership and housing. But if a charity for instance refuses to offer spousal benefits to same-sex married couples, it could risk losing government grants, social-service contracts and its tax-exempt status.
Religious groups point to a 2007 case in Ocean Grove, N.J. where a Methodist organization lost its tax-exempt status for refusing to allow lesbian couples to have a civil-union ceremony on a public seaside pavilion owned by the group.
Religious leaders and some conservative legal scholars are urging the state to include a specific provision for individuals ore businesses, like florists or caterers, that refuse to offer services to gay couples. Other states with gay marriage do not grant such protections. Gay- rights advocates believe that this could open the door to outright discrimination. “No one is going to lose out because of this. There’s another florist down the block,” said Mordechai Biser, the general counsel of Agudath Israel of America, an Orthodox Jewish advocacy group.
Such an exception, clashes against existing antidiscrimination laws. “When you start to change the framework of civil-rights law, you open up a new can of worms” said Russell Pearce, a professor of law and religion at Fordham University School of Law. Congrats gay people and thanks for the boom in the economy your unions will provide!

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