Obama also imposed a tax hike recently so now I have an additional 2% raise in Social Security costs. Even thought that is only $18 additional a week, every expense adds up to be a problem. Senior Citizens have private Medicaid not Medicare. Why aren’t the politicians using the same health care that we have? They all get paid six figure salaries and do not have any exemptions from their pay checks for new Obama taxes.
In fact, Senators, Congressmen, Federal Workers and the Vice-President during the most recent financial crisis were given an Executive Order by the President that doesn’t even need approval by Congress raises in salaries to continue over the next ten years in the amount of 10 billion dollars. Where is my automatic raise? This is not the way to find additional funds badly needed for this country.
Everyone wants to reduce the national deficit but not right away because we should be doing some economic stimulus. We are not supposed to call it stimulus anymore, we are supposed to call it recovery. Most people that I know would rather be stimulated rather than recover from something. OK, bad joke. If you want to reduce the deficit and increase military spending by 4% of the gross national product, there should be a reason.
There is no real threat to this country. The Soviet Union used to be the big threat, not anymore. The Cold War is over. Russia is not our enemy anymore so we do not need the three ways we used to be ready to drop thermal nuclear weapons on them if necessary. We still have nuclear submarines with missiles, the international continental ballistic missile and the strategic air command.
In the beginning of the Cold War, our President at that time Harry Truman sent American troops to Western Europe and Central Europe to protect the poor weak nations of that region against Stalin. The nations of Western Europe are no longer weak or poor. Stalin is dead. Only one thing hasn’t changed. We are still spending tens of billions of dollars per year to protect no one in trouble there. We are protecting places where there have not been wars for decades now.

Years ago we sent troops to Japan not to protect them but to reassure the rest of Asia that there wouldn’t be an attack from them again. By now I’m pretty sure there will not be another Pearl Harbor from them. We can pull the Marines out of there and save more Billions. So much of defense spending is wasteful. America owns the most sophisticated tank available today and three thousand of them are just sitting there on military bases. The Taliban has no tanks unless they steal one of ours.
A weapon should have an enemy or it shouldn’t be made. China just bought it’s first aircraft carrier from the Ukraine and it can’t land any aircraft on it. We really are so far ahead in the world in defense stuff. Please leave my paycheck alone and at lease cut back on the stuff we don’t need or use that our government wastes money on.
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