Thursday, December 31, 2020

The year of what happened?

In January 2020 some guy came here from China breathing. His breath proved to be deadly and spreading disease fast across America.  

In February we were consumed with the Impeachment of Donald Trump who was Impeached but not removed since the Republican Senate decided not to put him on trial, no witnesses and no documents presented so he never left despite his crimes. He eventually was acquitted of the charges of abuse of power and obstruction of justice. 

In March the World Health Organization declared the Covid-19 disease a global pandemic. The 2020 Olympics was officially postponed. 

In April protests over the disease was everywhere. Folks who wanted to stay alive and wear masks were fighting with those who thought their rights were being infringed upon over a safety measure. Militias took to the State Capitol threatening the life of the Governor there in Michigan. 

In May the Black Lives Matter Movement took over the world after countless suffering and injustices were being made known against black people suspected of crimes giving them death instead of trials.

In June a peaceful protest was broken up near the White House where Trump emerged hiding behind our military forces who attacked the very citizens they swore to protect so he could have a photo opportunity to hold up a Bible for some reason. 

In July we tried to have some normalcy when Major League Baseball emerged with cut out cardboard figures instead of folks in the stands. 

In August Hurricane Laura slammed into the Louisiana coast line. One of twelve horrific storms to reach our shores. 

In September we saw our highest court change quickly after the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg. In just three years Trump quickly appointed three young Republican conservative justices. 

In October Covid -19 spread to the White House infecting our President and at least 28 of his closest advisors including the Vice-President , his wife and his child. 

In November we voted and Joe Biden won. Trump still disagrees. He tried to overturn the results both in the courts and countless re-counts. 

At least here we are in the end of December with some positive results with various vaccines trying to be dispersed among the population despite how slow and despite 330,000 of us have died. I take that back. Still not so good news. The new year has to be better than this one.

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