Sunday, November 15, 2020

Be A Bear

 This year with disease everywhere the best thing for our winter survival is to hibernate like a bear and stay indoors without much of any other human interaction just like the animal humans love to hunt and chase away everywhere too. Why do we hate bears so much? Instead we should be putting the predators on animal sanctuaries and studying them instead of wanting to kill them all the time. After all we are turning into bears for the winter hiding in our homes just getting fatter and more prone to fat people diseases too. Why don't bears get sick from sleeping indoors all winter long?

Bears like my husband have an enormous appetite and will eat to maintain their fat mass all winter long. But bears are healthy. We only have one research center in All of America that is studying bears in Washington State University. This dedicated bear research center have 11 bears on campus they study. They are studying the fact that bears eat a lot but don't get diabetes. Bears don't get heart disease. We need to study why. Can we learn from bears since humans eat a lot too but have no problem getting these life threatening diseases as of course we try to avoid Covid too? 

A treatment for diabetes might be hidden in hibernation. Our metabolic rate can be altered too if we can isolate the genes that keep bears alive  and fat. We should be spending more money on research instead of weapons or expensive temporary medications. Put some of that Space Force money into research since we want to send folks up into space for long periods of time hibernating in small space capsules. Being able to lower our metabolic rates by just a few percentage points would have a huge benefit to our well being if we just knew how those happy bears do it. 

When humans lie around a lot we lose bone mass. Bears don't lose bone mass when they sleep all winter. Why not? Study them. Osteoporosis is a big human problem too. The researchers have found that the huge 500 plus pound bears will do just about anything for a large bowl of good old fashioned honey just like in the Whinny the Poo cartoon. Is honey the secret to their good health? So this holiday season forget the turkey cookies holiday goodies and leave me alone with a bottle of honey to drown my sorrows in over insane politics, protests disease, school closings , no sports or entertainment, no cruises and on and on. Try to hibernate happily till hopefully by spring we can emerge to a happier healthier place under President Biden's good old fashioned comforting leadership. Appreciate the bears and research them . Stop killing those massive healthy beasts. Happy Honey Holidays. 

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