Thursday, October 25, 2018

Get it from Grand-ma!

Image result for senior citizens selling their meds for money

The newest kind of drug dealer is your Grand-ma. Older Americans are selling prescription painkillers to drug dealers to raise needed cash at a time when the Republicans want to slash Social Security to raise funds to pay for Trump’s out of control deficit. The fact is that senior citizens also do not have funds to keep up with the cost of inflation either. Many are poor and can’t afford to buy the things they need to survive. This is the reality of what is happening in Trump’s America and it is heartbreaking.
Drug dealers don’t have a short supply of customers on the streets for painkillers, but they have a short supply of the pills. So, a good business deal however illegal, is to find Senior Citizens willing to trade their pills for cash. I guess it is a win, win deal but is it? Well when a senior citizen finds out that they can get $20 per pill, then they are very interested in the deal. Law enforcement officials across the country confirm that this kind of deal making is a growing problem in America. Court cases are starting to pile up with criminal senior citizens who just need more cash.
Some senior citizens are not willing accomplices to a crime but are victims with their caregivers or even family members pilfering their prescribed medications they legitimately need for their pain and the elderly suffer. That is the real crime! Many times the family members take the elderly person’s pills to satisfy their own terrible addictions that is occupying this country still. Trump took a very large campaign contribution form major pharmaceutical companies so he could care less about the harm and inaccuracy that is taking place with their highly addictive drugs. More oversite and regulations should be required but it is not.
What helps fuel this troubling trend is not just the poverty facing some older people but their ability to easily gain prescriptions from their doctors. While there are no precise statistics to gauge   the size of the problem, law enforcement officials from New York to Los Angeles say that older people selling prescription medication is a real issue. The reason for the lack of data is that Federal prosecutors focus their efforts on large-scale opioid pushers and dealers.  And local prosecutors say there is a reluctance to prosecute people at or near retirement age for selling their relatively small amount of pills. This is happening in the very poor state of Kentucky, Republican Senate big shot Mitch McConnell’s state and even he could care less. He is a millionaire who voted for the best salary, medical care and paid prescriptions for himself.
Trump’s war on drugs is not going anywhere. At his re-election rallies he concentrates on saying nasty things about any Democrat that comes to his mind that now his angry mob is probably responsible that every prominent Democrat including two Presidents are under attack for no real reason. Yes this is Trump’s NOT so great again America.

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