Saturday, May 5, 2018

How to get Financed if you are Bankrupt Trump Style

Image result for cartoon of Trump getting financed by the russians
Deutsche Bank is the way to follow the Trump family money. It is not a Russian bank but a German bank. It is the bank that Trump owes hundreds of millions of dollars to. They have been doing business with Trump for years when no other bank would. Why? Why does this bank continue to lend this family hundreds of millions of dollars in loans even after Donald was unable to pay some loans back? Deutsche Bank also gave Jared Kushner’s firm $285 million dollars in a Bank loan just before Election Day. What kinds of favors does this Bank expect in return?
The massive loan to Jared was in October before the election. This corporate loan and Kushner’s personal guarantee are not mentioned on his financial disclosure form, filed with the Office of Government Ethics. Why? How could this just be an oversight? How corrupt IS the Trump family? This big German Bank is the key to Trump’s finances. It should be facing new scrutiny along with all the other shady things Trump is involved in. It is ironic though that this same bank, Deutsche Bank recently landed in legal trouble for laundering money for Russian entities. Has America just become another branch in the mob dealings that Russia is known for?
There was a multi-billion dollar money laundering scheme reported that was operated out of offices in Moscow. You would think that multi-billions of dollars being laundered would be the biggest story or crime but it isn’t. There have been about four banks involved in sketchy dealings with Trump and now VTB Bank. It is a very large bank in Russia. During the Obama years we never heard of so much collusion with Russia. VTB Bank was so corrupt that America had sanctions against the bank. The majority shareholder of the VTB Bank is the Russian Government, which owns 61% of the voting shares. That money was used in the takeover of Crimea in the Ukraine that is now completely under Russian control.
Putin runs VTB. Putin decides what it does and what it spends its money on and it is also linked to Trump dealings. VTB even before the election was all lined up to finance the building of Trump Tower in Moscow. A Trump associate at the time boasted that the Moscow business deal will get Donald Elected. This was not an old deal during the 1990’s. This was being orchestrated during the campaign. It all proves that Trump is Putin’s Bitch and Putin is his Pimp.
Now we all know why that even during the election debates Trump always boasted that Russia wasn’t that bad even though Obama rightfully imposed sanctions on Russia for their shady deals. Trump has been President for well over a year and he refuses to implement sanctions against his Pimp Putin. As the talks progressed, Trump voiced numerous supportive comments about Putin, setting himself apart from his Republican rivals for the nomination. Trump was never about making America great. He is all about making himself great and pulling himself out of his five bankruptcies at America’s expense. This President is the Master of Self-Promotion and lies constantly about just about everything.
Trump refuses to disclose his tax returns and threatens Mueller if he dares to investigate his business dealings. America continues to be duped by this fraud Donald Trump.

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