Sunday, November 19, 2017

Our No Plan for Disasterous Disaster

Related imageWe have a government now that is full of people in charge of our fate in many ways from commerce to weapons to the environment that has a completely different vision than any other leader in the world has. The men we have in political office now believe that ‘God will Provide” in terms of preserving our environment. Trump doesn’t even believe that climate change exists. The money moguls believe that oil and gas and coal is still the answer to our energy needs. Meanwhile China is becoming the leader in the world on solar and wind energy. Did Trump discuss that on his trip to China or just discuss manufacturing and selling more of his stupid hats in China?
Well, due to rising sea water from global warming and all the ice melting in Alaska, now the sea lined lands are just eroding and falling into the sea daily. That land is supposed to be frozen most of the year. Not anymore. Now it is gone and it is ruining the lives and taking the homes of the Alaskan people who live in coastal areas. Entire neighborhoods must be evacuated due to flooding and Trump ignores the issue and doesn’t provide any funding to preserve the areas or find places for people to evacuate to. He plays golf.
By the end of this century more than 15 million Americans will be forced to move because of rising sea levels and flooding. The climate migration is a real and present problem and the Federal Government has NO plans on how to deal with the problem. You’re on your own folks? Pay your taxes. In Alaska alone 31 villages are being destroyed due to imminent flooding and erosion. So far about 18,000 people must be displaced. In the village of Newtok, they already ran out of time. Their weather reports dwell on the rise of the sea and the strength of the wind to determine how much land they will lose today and that is even when a storm is not predicted.    
The wind on the west coast of Alaska makes the land erode even faster. This time of the year the land is supposed to be frozen solid. Not anymore. The people in the town know when a chunk of land breaks off because their homes shake and a large boom is heard. It happens often. Since the village of Newtok was founded in the 1950’s it has lost a mile of coastline and the rest of the land looks like a swamp. Houses could begin to fall into the ocean shortly. Newtok had a storm on October 13, 2017 where they lost 10 more feet of coastal lands. The entire town has less than a year to exist at this rate of destruction. The only thing the Federal Government has provided to the Eskimoes was a school that was built in 1950.
Nearly 75 years later the school is still the only building that has running water. Nine years ago there was a vote decided to move the entire village to higher ground to Mertarvik, Alaska. They have been building the new location but now Trump has cut off the funding to finish it. Where will these people go? In the past, State and Federal Agencies have always been sup portative of the people but not anymore with Trump’s new thugs running I mean ruining our government policies. In January of this year FEMA DENIED the town’s request for major disaster funds. FEMA said they were NOW denied because the new definition of FEMA is that the agency “is designed to address catastrophic damage occurring as a direct result of a specific disaster event…” So our government has NO PLAN ON HOW TO DEAL WITH ONGOING DISASTERD DUE TO CLIMATE CHANGE. Trump doesn’t even believe it exists. His golf courses are fine.
Erosion and lack of frost disqualifies FEMA funds. The United States doesn’t even have an agency to deal with the people displaced due to climate change. Trump wants more homeless people? 30 other Alaskan villages are in jeopardy. There are 11 Federal Agencies that should be able to at least provide some answers and now they have no policies or directions and probably no one appointed by Trump to lead these Agencies.
There is the: Bureau of Indian Affairs
Economic Development Administration
Environmental Protection Agency
Department of Transportation
Department of Housing and Urban Development
Alaska Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management
Newtok Planning Group Division of Community & Regional Affairs
Office of Senator Lisa Murkowski
Office of the Governor
Alaska Energy Authority
Denali Commission
None of these taxpayer funded   agencies is providing any answers to these soon to be homeless taxpaying citizens. WHY????????????????
When the villagers plead to these agencies they are told that “It is a Congressional issue.” Besides being sexual predators, what is Congress doing? They seem to only vote on perks for themselves. Congress gets more vacations than the average American, they have their own healthcare, own pensions, own health spas, own salary raises and do not represent the needs of their people in their states. They deal with lobbyists and fund raising for reelection with no term limits. It doesn’t help when our President doesn’t even acknowledge climate change. No one even cares about the culture of people anymore or their proud heritage.
No one wants to be forced to leave their homes and their communities. Puerto Ricans don’t want to leave their island. Syrians don’t want to live in Europe. Alaskan’s don’t want to be homeless. Someone has to care about the world wide problems of senseless wars, climate problems and pollution. Now only China is even promoting wind and solar power and becoming richer and more powerful than ever. American coal miners are now getting wind technology jobs from Chinese owned companies not American. Thanks for nothing Trump yet it will soon be Thanksgiving.

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