Saturday, November 25, 2017

Delusional Donald's No New Year's Resolution

Delusional Donald is way off the mark in his climate policies for this country. The Annual United Nations Climate Conference ended on this past Saturday with 20 countries including the United Kingdom, France and Mexico pledging to STOP using coal power completely by 2030. Trump still wants to OPEN more coal mines. Why is he so opposite in the views of most of the world?  Politicians are not the only world leaders wanting to phase out the unsafe dirty cancer causing fuel.  Now insurance companies are banding together to fight the existence of cancer polluting causing coal usage.
Insurance companies are regarding coal as bad investments and unhealthy clients. Soon hopefully all fossil fuels will be phased out despite Trump and his oil buddy Rex Tillerson. Insurance is crucial to public safety and it is good that the insurance industry is finally recognizing that coal is a risk to everyone on many levels. The insurance companies are so powerful that if they decide they do not want to give coverage to an industry; they can ruin a company financially and the companies will surely close. Leading insurance companies like AXA, Scor and Zurich Financial Services have withdrawn $20 billion dollars in coal investments.
They have already stopped insuring companies that have profits coming from coal related activities.  Yes, the world and financial institutions are realizing that Trump is a nut job and have begun to seriously ignore him. Insurance companies are money making businesses like any other. They are not pulling out of coal just because we can all die from it but also because it is a bad investment. Sylvain Vanston the Head of Corporate Responsibility AXA Group admitted that they no longer want to support the coal industry. Coal is a property and casualty risk they no longer wish to underwrite for them. China has already become the leader in solar and wind businesses and those industries have far less risk to people and the environment. Why can’t Trump see that solar and wind technology is a win, win?
Insurance companies are realizing that climate change is here and the effects are hitting people in their wallets. Too many homes have been lost to fires, floods and hurricanes or tornadoes. The companies that have dropped coal represents only 13% of the world’s global insurance assets but at least it is a trend that is sure to take on like a New Year’s Resolution for the world. Sadly, none of that meager 13% are even based in the United States. America used to be the new innovators of the world in all industries. Not anymore and with close minded Trump at our helm we are sure to sink or lag behind in climate safety and in new investments.
Why does Trump always make me feel sad? I don’t think I’m alone in that sentiment. The insurance company big shot is sad about American policies too. Sylvain said,” My American competitors tend to view sustainability primarily as a philanthropy initiative. We need America and they are not responding.” The top 40 American insurers have invested   more than $450 billion dollars in coal, oil and gas production. Yes, America is knee deep stuck in the crappy energy and probably can’t break loose anytime soon. But a President should be there to promote better policies for this country. Trump likes to play in the murky oil, coal and gas playground.

Now insurance companies are not making profits because they are paying out money for so much destruction done from extreme weather conditions destroying too many properties. Just the three major hurricanes in America in this year is costing more than $100 million dollars to insurance companies in payouts. It is in America’s best interest to follow Europe in their new emerging policies and try to cut catastrophic costs down. Does the Don even have a New Year’s Resolution? I doubt it. He thinks he is perfect. 

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