Monday, September 11, 2017

America After 911

Today is another year where the horror of September 11 creeps into our memory. Yes, thousands of people died that day and now hundreds of first res ponders are dying from cancers and catastrophic illnesses related to all the pollutants they took into their bodies trying desperately looking for survivors that dreadful day years ago we call 911 now. Over 7,500 people have died over the past 17 years from 911 related cancers. Since then have things gotten better for Americans? We have been at war with terrorists in the Middle East now for 17 continuous years and Trump is sending more soldiers there now too. Terrorism is still a global problem with random acts of violence still being performed on innocent civilians just doing ordinary life things. We still live on the edge and must be ever so thankful each day that we survived life in general and was able to live just another day.
We had a horrible President then with George Bush as our leader and now we have a horrible leader with Donald Trump as our President. How can things get better? At least Trump is under a crusade to make America safer with his quest to deport Muslims and Mexicans but his methods are crude and are banning a large population of peaceful good Muslims and Mexicans in America. Trump got elected because he entertained everyone with his insults of the other candidates like it was a continuous Roast. Then it was revealed that he was involved with Russian intervention into our election process, his business dealings seem to only benefit himself and he lies a lot. He also had a very dangerous and jaded close advisor, Steve Bannon.
In a recent 60Minutes interview with Bannon the public finally sees the kind of terrible influence he has had over Trump and his decision making for this country.  Former White House Chief Strategist, Steve Bannon and CEO of Trumps Campaign was a master manipulator over him. The American people knew nothing about him except for this very first televised interview. We know he was the CEO of Breitbart News, a place that supports Alt-Right views and he runs the website in his home.  Now Nazism is on the rise and out in the open. Our World War II Veterans are turning over in their graves realizing they sacrificed their lives then to stop the rise of NAZI beliefs. Now we all have to deal with that again with the constant worry over terrorism.  He says things like “If you don’t agree with Trump you need to be held accountable for your actions.” Is that a threat forcing loyalty? Trump recently told his followers that if he gets Impeached it is the voters fault.  Does we know that we live in a democratic society where free speech and elections are the rule and all views are considered? Bannon never was on a political campaign before but yet he was elevated to being the head of Trump’s Campaign for Election. Now many of Trump's inner circle during the election are convicted felons facing jail time. 
Bannon blames Trumps lack of popularity on the Republican Party that Trump is part of. The failure of them to devise a better plan than Obamacare is the Republican Party’s fault because they had 7 years to figure it out. Trump never came up with a plan of his own. He likes to pass the blame and fire people. On the DACA situation Bannon says, “As their work permits expire the workers should self-deport.” This is the kind of insanity that is fueling the thoughts of our current President. These kids have no path to citizenship, no path to a Green Card and amnesty is non-negotiable. Then should we refund them all the taxes they paid from their jobs? None of these things are going to happen. All of these ideas is just disturbing to the American principles and thoughts. America was the place where people could come, contribute to the economy. It was the definition of immigration before this mad man Bannon was influencing Trump.
Bannon says that America was built from their citizens. We were not all immediately citizens. Most of us came from other countries and many were not born here. There are many non-citizens who contribute much to our economy and who do not commit criminal acts yet they are treated like criminals. Thankfully the people of America rise over ridiculous policies being pushed upon us by crazy people like Steve Bannon and we rise to the occasion as we did to help each other during 911 and as seen during the unconditional help all races and monetary classes rose to help and care for each other during the hurricanes. America is made of good people despite bad leaders. Yes we need to reflect, morn and be proud of America every September 11 because that horrific day brought all people in America together as one country in solidarity for our beliefs to protect us all.

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