Friday, October 19, 2018

They Are Afraid of this Election

Image result for cartoon of Democratic wave at the mid-term elections
It is two weeks to the election and the Trumptards are panicking. On social media their pages all look similar. They proudly pose in front of their monster trucks or motorcycles and their photos always have them draped in or on the American flag. The only way to respect our flag is to proudly let it fly on a flagpole or to be draped over the coffin of a brave American soldier. Most Trumptards never served in the military but they like to buy their weapons at gun shops with no background checks and they like to wear military shirts as if they ever served our great country. They love Trump because he is one of them with his five time deferments from the Vietnam war over bone spurs in his feet  and also draped himself in the flag disrespectfully at his now daily self-promotion rallies in rural states.
They all have a very ugly agenda saying that they are bringing back America to its former glory wearing Trump’s for personal profit hats that disrespects every American soldier like they did nothing. Make America Great Again! America was always great and we don’t need these clowns to tell any soldier otherwise past or present. They should be bursting into flames when they say that America is in a bad place. They are fear mongers who think fear is a good thing rather than peace and diplomacy. Our Bully in Chief in his childish way   calls everyone stupid names from handicapped citizens to other world leaders. They are in fear of illegals who they think are pouring over our border. It is what they thought of their very ancestors the Europeans who swarmed Ellis Island who suffered the same prejudice they are swarming now.
They say they came here legally but seem to forget that now there are many roadblocks to citizenship. They incite fear saying the illegals bring crime meanwhile in reality crime has been the lowest in decades. The only real crime is in how Trump and his followers murder the truth.  Democrats will not take the Giuliani crap that truth isn’t truth and Trumptards are quick to say stupid things like calling folks snowflakes or that they drink the Kool-Aid that I think is supposed to be insulting but just doesn’t make sense in any discussion as a moot point.
They say that America is the nursemaid to the world and that the world has their hands in our pockets. Trump thinks it is fine to side with evil Dictators and that we don’t need allies, we don’t need Europe or the Middle East or Asia. It is all about the old white guy turtle faced turds who are afraid of losing their power in our government and that is what these mid-term elections are all about. The mid-term elections are the only way to stamp out the bigotry and hatred. If the Democrats could win back the House, then there is the possibility that Trump can finally be impeached. It is time to get the sad extinct dinosaurs out of the government and to have representatives that represent the many colors of Americans.

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