Since April 15, 2011, when the Justice Department brought the hammer down on the major online sites, players only had the option of playing in a smoke filled room somewhere or breaking the law by playing on illegal off-shore sites. This past Tuesday a Nevada based company called Ultimate Gaming became the first provider of fully legal online poker gambling in America. Players must be in Nevada to play but can sign up online from anywhere to Ultimate Poker.com.
This is the first step towards possibly multiple states legalizing even broader online gambling which could generate billions of dollars in revenue from the nation’s estimated 50 million eager poker players. So watch out when grandma and grandpa are spending your inheritance online from their hospital bed while hooked up to all their life support systems. Players can compete in games with stakes ranging from pennies to hundreds of dollars so hide your piggy banks at home.
The company thinks the games will complement casino gambling rather than compete with it. The goal is to attract players most comfortable in an online setting. Sure, gone is the James Bond types adorned with their attractive women well dressed showing up at the casino to spend a bundle, no, don’t even shower or comb your hair, spend the entire bank account at home alone ugh.
New Jersey and Delaware also have passed legislation but have yet authorized a company to get things started in their states. According to H2 Gambling Capital, regulated real money Internet gambling was at almost $30 Billion dollars worldwide in 2012, and now assuming that several states will get legislation supporting online gambling, the American market could rise to $7.4 Billion dollars by 2017.
The industry’s strongest ally in Congress is Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Democrat from Nevada who tried and failed to include a federal law authorizing only online poker to a year end tax bill. But any action to expand or regulate online poker will face scrutiny in the GOP-controlled House, where many lawmakers, including House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, from Virginia have opposed efforts to expand online gaming.
Millions of Americans play poker, and the company is pledging to create the tools to protect players and regulate the gaming space. Ultimate Poker is a subsidiary of Station Casinos of Las Vegas, which operates 16 locals-oriented casinos in Nevada. The company will be in partnership with Ultimate Fighting Championship to help in promotion.
CEO Tobin Priror said, “At 4 o’clock in the afternoon, when you want a game, it is a lot easier to put those people together on the Internet than it is to do it in a physical environment. It is a logical way to grow the market.” Can trust really be in any poker game? All I can think of is the old western movies where the trust existed with a six shooter under the table just in case.
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