The child with the blue circle around his image is dead. The red circles are of the bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and of the bomb. He is a 19 year old younger brother of the dead older brother Tamerlan Tsarnaev who turned from young promising men in this country to Boston Marathon Bombers. The younger brother is in custody and is badly wounded. Within 5 days since the Marathon, the Bombing Boys have been found and have been dealt with thanks to great police work and the power of Twitter. Boston was mentioned on Twitter 24 million times in the past 24 hours. One thing for sure is that law enforcement was called and they got the job done. It has gone from a horrific week to now a heroic ending.
There was a MIT Campus Police Officer also killed in the Bombing Boys dramatic way of getting around town. It looked like a bad suspense movie with about 200 rounds of ammunition being shot everywhere during the shoot out. Sean Collier, 26, was fatally shot while confronting the Boston Marathon bombing suspects during the early morning hours on Friday. Overnight 200 rounds of ammunition was shot and used to kill the older brother.
This is the first major terrorist attack on United States soil since 911 and cost the Boston area $350 Million dollars in lost revenue since the authorities locked down the entire city. No businesses were open for trade. The incident halted a city from operating of 600,000 people from frozen transportation and frozen activity. The only activity was police activity of law officials darting everywhere to find these two suspects. All branches of government gave their help in apprehending these terrorists.
It was supposed to be another American dream story this time for immigrants from Russia. The family are originally from a war torn section of Russia. These Bombing Boys assimilated into the American culture very well and very quickly. The older 26 year old boy was a boxer and already participated in the Golden Globes of Boxing and was on his way to try out for the Olympic trials. The younger 19 year old was an honor student in our American schools and an athlete who was a star on the wrestling team the All Star Captain and who was accepted to a major good College in America.
What led them to act together and decide to do such a horrific act to innocent people they did not even know? Why was it so important? Why is the older brother dead and the younger brother 25 minutes after the lock down is lifted found lying in his own blood hiding in a 24 foot boat on a trailer in someone's back yard? They used state of the art equipment a robotic camera and arm to lift the tarp to discover the blodied body. We do not want any more of our heroic police officers or citizens harmed.
The reason for all this mess is religion. and testosterone. These Bombing Boys are Muslim and are at an age where men are most violent. Most Murders, mass Murders are committed in this age group. Call it boredom or just high testosterone levels or the unemployment crisis, these boys are frustrated and are young men who have no patience with anything and wish to let their agression out. Does that justify or give a reason to kill innocent people ? No. Well the rising violent Muslim population does not help with the problem either. As it is we live in a country where people hate Muslims especially after 911.
“For every opinion or belief someone may hold, there will be another party who just as strongly opposes that idea. Both sides usually claim to have the best arguments, the real facts and the correct world view and ironically both sides regard the other as being indoctrinated blind to the obvious and outright stupid. Most people only expose themselves to information that matches their own world view. It is uncomfortable to do otherwise. Still, we would like to give you some surprising information about Islam .We also urge you look further than only mainstream media and if you can find the time for it, read the Qu’ran yourself. To get you started we would like to present to you three things you probably did not know about Islam.”
It was supposed to be another American dream story this time for immigrants from Russia. The family are originally from a war torn section of Russia. These Bombing Boys assimilated into the American culture very well and very quickly. The older 26 year old boy was a boxer and already participated in the Golden Globes of Boxing and was on his way to try out for the Olympic trials. The younger 19 year old was an honor student in our American schools and an athlete who was a star on the wrestling team the All Star Captain and who was accepted to a major good College in America.
What led them to act together and decide to do such a horrific act to innocent people they did not even know? Why was it so important? Why is the older brother dead and the younger brother 25 minutes after the lock down is lifted found lying in his own blood hiding in a 24 foot boat on a trailer in someone's back yard? They used state of the art equipment a robotic camera and arm to lift the tarp to discover the blodied body. We do not want any more of our heroic police officers or citizens harmed.
The Muslim religion happens to currently be the largest religion in the world. It is about time we all learned the important facts about the Muslim religion. There is a great You Tube Video that a friend pointed out to me called Three Things About Islam that is very informative. It proves why we should respect the religion, why we shouldn’t try to offend believers of that religion and why we despise the religion. See it for yourself or read here where I will have the information ready for you to just read now. It starts like this:
“1. Islam has not been hijacked. That Islam has been hijacked is what non-Muslims naturally assume because they assume that all religions are the same. The reason non-Muslims are so easily confused is that most of us don’t realize the difference between the Qu’ran and every other religious book that we are familiar with. The Christian Bible is a collection of writings from various authors written sometimes hundreds of years apart with parables, advice and dreams all collected together in one book. The same is with the Jewish Torah. Even those of us in the west, who are neither Christians nor Jews, are still familiar enough with these religions to know this much, and therefore, we assume the same is true for the Qur’an. But the Qur’an is only one book, written by one man in his own lifetime.’
‘ It is meant to be taken literally, and it is not full of symbolism or vague analogies. It is mostly direct commands. Of course, the Qur’an contains contradictory statements just like other religious books but the Qur’an itself provides the reader with a way to know what to do with the contradictions. It’s explained in the Qur’an that if you have two passages that contradict each other, the one written later supersedes the one written earlier. Most westerners are unaware that the peaceful, tolerant passages were written early in Mohammad’s prophetic career. According to the Qur’an, those passages have been abrogated by later, more violent and less tolerant passages. “
“So, when most westerners hear Jihadists quoting violent passages from the Qur’an, and then peaceful Muslims quoting peaceful passages, they interpret that the way they would if someone was quoting the Bible or the Torah. They think to themselves, Oh, there must be many different and contradictory passages, like there are in other religious books, so Muslims can pick and choose what they like, and justify whatever actions they want to take. But the Qur’an is nothing like that. There is no picking and choosing. It says very explicitly and in no uncertain terms that the Muslim must not alter or ignore any part of its very clearmessage, or they will burn in a fiery torment forever.”.
“2. Striving to institute worldwide Shari”A Law is a religious duty. Many people don’t realize how politically -oriented Islam is at its core. In fact, Islam is less of a “Religion” than it is a “Religious ideology.” It includes a mandatory and highly specific legal and political plan for the whole society: Shari’a. There is no separation between the religious and the political in Islam. Rather Islam and Shari’a constitutes a totalitarian means of ordering society at every level including ritual worship, transactions and contracts, morals and manners, beliefs and punishments.”
“In the Qur’an Allah makes it clear that Man-made governments (such as a democracy) and free speech (such as criticizing the Qur’an) are abominations and must be eliminated.”
“The modern expression “creeping Shari’A” is used to describe the slow, deliberate methodical advance of Islamic Law in non-Muslim Countries. Official Shari’A courts already operate in the United Kingdom handling cases ranging from divorce and financial disputes to domestic violence. Attempts to introduce Shari’a in the legal system in Germany, Sweden, and other European countries are ongoing. While Shari’a already has a foot in our door in the matter of minor disputes like inheritance and domestic violence, it should concern you that Shari’a commands that drinkers and gamblers should be whipped.”
“Shari’a allows husbands to hit their wives, allows an injured plaintiff to exact legal revenge, literally an eye for an eye. Commands that a thief must have a hand cut off. Commands that homosexuals must be executed. Orders unmarried fornicators to be whipped and adulterers to be stoned to death. Orders death for both Muslim and non-Muslim critics of Muhammad, the Qur’an and even Shari’a itself. Orders apostates to be killed. Commands offensive , aggressive and unjust Jihad.”
“As written in the Qur’an Shari’a is the law of Allah. Any other form of government is a sin. It is the duty of every Muslim to keep striving until all governments have been converted to Shari’a law. “
“3. Muslims are allowed to deceive non-muslims if it helps Islam. For non-Muslims this principle, called Taqiyya is another surprising concept of Islam. While most other religions speak highly of truthfulness, the Qur’an instructs Muslims to lie to non-Muslims about their beliefs and political ambitions. To protect and spread Islam there are many examples of today’s Islamic leaders saying one thing in English for the Western Press and then saying something entirely different to their followers in Arabic. Deceiving the enemy is always useful in war and Islam is at war with the non-Islamic world until the whole world follows Shari’a Law. “
“All non-Muslims living in non-Islamic states are therefore enemies. So, deceiving Westerners is totally acceptable even encouraged if it can forward the goals of the spread of Islam. As a recent example, The Islamic American Relief Agency were seemingly raising money for orphans, but in fact giving the money to terrorists. They deceived good -hearted western infidels into giving money to organizations that were actively killing western infidels. “
“Do the research yourself. This is not an isolated case. Islam as a religion of peace, Muslim organizations worldwide often declare that Islam is a religion of peace but what does that really mean? It seems easy for a Muslim to quote a peaceful verse from the early parts of the Qur’an while, by following the principle of Taqiyya neglecting to mention the fact that it has been officially abrogated by later more violent verses. According to the Qur’an the world would be at peace only when Islam and Shari’a reign in every country and never un til then. This is why every Muslim can truthfully say that Islam is a religion of peace. “
“ If any of these points took you by surprise, then there is surely much more you still don’t know. This subject will affect you in the near future so take the chance to inform yourself now before it does.”
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