Now he has a wonderful life and a beautiful wife. Until the age of 12 he didn’t even know he was the son of a famous baseball player. He is Tim McGraw. He owns a big farm outside Nashville and has had 23 Billboard Country number one hit songs. And if that is not enough he is also a successful movie actor. Not such a bad way to go in life being born into a poor family with an ordinary name like Smith until he learned the truth about his birth father by snooping around in his mother’s things.
Yeah, his beautiful wife also has a pretty impressive career to go along with her pretty face. She is Faith Hill. They have been married for 16 years and are still very much in love. Yup, perfect wife, perfect life. He should be just calling himself a superstar. Instead he likes to call himself an underdog just to keep him grounded. See even guys who you think have it all can still feel vulnerable and must be careful that their perfect bubble doesn’t burst.
When an 11 year old goes snooping in their Mother’s closet looking for Christmas presents sometimes you find stuff she doesn’t want you to see. Well, he found his birth certificate. Under father it said Frank Edwin McGraw occupation, Professional Baseball Player. He knew who he was because he had his baseball card tacked to his wall when Tug McGraw played for the Phillies. He was shocked and amazed and disappointed to say the least.
He found out that his Mother reached out to Tug but the famous baseball player wanted nothing to do with her anymore or her child. He knew he would never be raised by his real father. Timmy loved his Mom and cared for his step-dad but looked at the success of his real father and wanted somehow that same success for himself. He knew he couldn’t be a famous baseball player too since all he did as a child was sing country music in a truck.

In 1996 he met Faith Hill and they even recorded love songs together and she became his opening act on tours and their romance flourished with the blond from Mississippi. He says he was in love with her before he even knew her by just looking at her picture in Billboard Magazine. They liked each other almost immediately but didn’t get serious until he took her for a ride in a red jeep and asked her to commit to him and a few months later they were married. Ok, now who is gonna make the movie about this guy’s life already? Wait. It gets even better.
On their 10Th Anniversary Faith tracked down that Jeep and bought it and gave it to him for a present. He values that as one of his greatest possessions. They have been touring and performing ever since together. Their 2006 tour remains as the top grossing Country Music tour of all time. Imagine being in love and making all the money you want together as well. Not too many people get to have that much luck in any occupation no less a job that needs you to get out there and meet and entertain people everywhere.
So, Tim McGraw the family man never gave up on his famous Dad. Eventually a friendship developed. Shortly after Tug died in 2004, Tim released the song Live Like You Are Dying another hit and a parting message to his Dad. His soft side has made him a powerful actor. He played Gwyneth Paltro’s husband in Country Strong and played the dad with Sandra Bullock in the Blind Side. He plays leading roles opposite leading ladies. This guy definitely knows who he is now and where he is going to and it is all good.
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