There is an art museum of sorts there underwater. It is called MUSA Museo Subacuatico de Arte in Spanish. It is an eerie world of sculpted people under water on the sea floor with sea life adding details to the faces like sea weed flowing hair on the figures. Do you want new for the new year? This is new that you have never seen before. While there is sexy drunken partying going on above the sea there is a tranquil village of sculpted people in the sea for you to see up close and personal.
The project started when 2 hurricanes devastated the area’s coral reefs. Almost a half million people visit Cancun, a small area of Mexico every year. How do you keep all those tourists away from the coral so they can grow again undisturbed? Closing off the reef areas would devastate the tourism business. Roberto Diaz, the President of Apple World, the leader in tourist adventures wanted to sue the government for ruining his business but then a solution was discussed and put into place.
After they were installed on the sea floor the ocean took over. It brought life to the art by sticking life forms to the concrete. Men have beards of algae and women have seaweed hair. There is even a table and chairs with a sculpted fruit bowl there for you to sit for a moment if you like. If you don’t like carrying a tank on your back there is a section of the museum that is only 9 feet deep underwater to be made accessible to people who snorkel. It includes underwater sculptures of cars and other things to find.
Divers now are spending 40% of their time looking at the sculptures away from the fragile coral reefs. So, success for everyone and most of all no lawsuits against the government of Cancun. Now sea life and sculpture are having their own party. Call it art gone wild. Try it you might like it. Be happy in this new year.
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