There is a lack of respect in all aspects of life but at a game, people are just barbarians. They are more vulgar and crude than ever before. You can’t even take your kid to a game unless you want him exposed to the F word and any other bad word out there. Just what they say about your mother is horrendous and all you did was stand there with a different colored shirt on from them.
There is no battle on the playing field compared to the brawls going on in the stands. There are all out wars happening in stadiums all across America at football games, baseball games, hockey games .and basketball games. Even the polite game of tennis where if the ball goes in the stands you politely throw it back on the court, people are standing up and pounding someone else practically to death over a comment.
More than a year later Brian Stowe is still suffering from massive brain damage. He is still in a wheelchair and must have physical therapy up to six hours a day and no one expects him to go back to full recovery. Before getting his beating, he was an Ambulance EMT who helped others. Brian was beaten in the parking lot and don’t think it is any safer in the stadium because it is not safe at all.
Fan violence has not gotten unnoticed by sports leagues and stadiums. They have had to increase security in recent years. Major League Baseball allows fans to call security via a text message. There are signs now that say, “Report unruly fans: text “BadFan” <space> issue & location to 69050” or to whatever text number at the place. The NFL says that the most unruly fans are ejected from the arena. Now starting this year they won’t be allowed back to a game until they pass a course on proper Fan behavior.
Instead of spreading the motherf---er word around maybe you should have learned some of the manners she always tried to teach you then you wouldn’t have to take manners classes just to see a game. While security can’t be everywhere, fans are everywhere with cell phones with cameras with video capabilities. Captured by fans is valuable video use able in any court as evidence and valuable proof when everyone in the violent mob scene says “I didn’t do nothing”
Dan Juan is a teacher at Murray State University in Kentucky and has written several books on fan violence. He says that going to a game in America isn’t what it used to be because Americans aren’t what they used to be. We have a generation that has grown up playing fast paced violent video games every day of their lives for hours a day. It is no doubt that this generation is consumed with violent thoughts as being the normal w.
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