Giving life is a risky proposition and millions of dollars have been raised to try to make the risk factor to not be such an issue. The fact remains that every 90 seconds a woman dies during childbirth around the world. That is a thousand women dying every day many of them very young who could be saved. Many feel alone and lonely at the moment that is supposed to be filled with joy.
The average age American women have their first child is at 26 years old. She is likely to move on to have two children and live a life stretching into her 80’s. American women’s biggest concern before birth is whether or not they will need a cesarean. In Afghanistan it is not uncommon for teenagers to be pregnant. The girls biggest fear there is wondering if their mate or husband will still be alive when the child is born.
Nick Kristoff, a columnist for the New York Times has written extensively about the dangers women face during childbirth. In many places in the world it is like a game of Russian Roulette. Instead of routine safeguards and precautions that mother and child is fine, it is a chance that one or both will survive. The world’s women really need to be treated much better in this day and age.
Every day a kind of battlefield gets filled with a thousand women dying during childbirth. We know exactly how to save these lives not that we need some new technological breakthrough. The question is, are we going to be able to finally make the lives of women a priority? Would it take much to make a difference in the lives of the girls who are forced to marry before the age of fifteen?
Thanks to a new Supreme Court ruling, our political candidates for president will be spending 3 Billion dollars on the campaigns. Imagine what good that money could be put to use instead on annoying comercials simply saying the other candidate is a horrible tumor on America. Put their money towards humanity and not just on the next president that many won’t like running their country anyway.
These religious beliefs do not make sense. The consequences can be barbaric. In Afghanistan some are eight years old being abused by men and do not stop forcing themselves on the girls despite their objections. These women are covered from the world from head to toe but abused by the people who claim them. In Afghanistan more than half of the marriages involve child brides.
The girl who loves school is now 15 and pregnant and afraid to know what will happen if she dares express that this was not her plan for her life. The girls are small, the height and weight of the average 10 year old in the states. Narrow hips and underdeveloped bodies place them in the danger zone where girls under the age of 15 are five times more likely to die during childbirth.
So many girls end up in a marriage when their pelvises are not fully formed so they are more likely to have obstructed labor and in many cases dieing. There are shelters in Afghanistan full of young teens 12 and 13 years old. Everyone in the shelter knows someone who has died despite that it is not legal to take these girls until they are 16. If you are a girl, being able to live in America is like winning the lottery.
It is hard to imagine that 30% of the women in the world are giving birth sitting on mud floors, no skilled medical attendant, in their shacks. The village attendant tries to help but has no medical training so she keeps pushing down hard on the stomach of the pregnant girl trying to squeeze the baby out. Only 20% of the births are attended by some help that is if you can call these conditions help at all.
The women are energized and want to help. Sheena Currie a Midwifery Advisor from the organization known as JHPIEGO says all the women want to help these girls. There are 3,000 midwives now dispersed across Afghanistan now. According to a recent survey, the amount of women dying from childbirth is dropping from 1 in 11 to 1 in 50 women.
There are still far too many women dying but the change makes it possible that more lives will be saved. Three dollars is all a hemorrhaging kit costs in those backpacks and the pill mistropostal that can stop hemorrhaging costs less than a postage stamp and yet it is in desperately short supply and will make a big difference if we can bring it into that country.
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