There are 12 year old children committing suicide from the roof tops of the factories that they work 32 hour shifts hand making your Apple gadgets and phones and they probably made your computer too. It is so bad at these massive factories that they put giant fishing nets attached to the outside of the buildings to catch these people. This is so horrible it sounds un real.. And what is worse, Apple and the factory owners have “no comment “ to the situation. Does anyone care?
Who cares? The world doesn’t care. The world is in love with anything on it that is from Apple. There is a guy that is so mad about the situation, he booked himself on Broadway and on tour doing a sit down monologue on the subject. He is performer Mike Daisy who narrates his one man show called ’The Agony and the Ecstasy of Steve Jobs.”
He explains that the third largest city in China called Shenzhen has a company called Foxconn which manufactures electronics under contract for practically every major brand you can think of including Apple. It is the biggest company you’ve never heard of and its name doesn’t sound Chinese. At this place over 50% of all the electronics of the world are made there.
Week after week kids are throwing themselves off the roof tops of these buildings so much so that now there are nets jutting out to catch these kids and prefent them from harm and probably throw them back to work in the building. Finally some people started th question the harse management methods that drives the workers to want to kill themselves. You think your boss is bad??
This watchdog group reported at least 18 kids committed suicide in 2010 and more tried. They were able to interview the workers who if they made a mistake would be punished.
Foxconn in response said their suiside rate was below the national average . We shouldn’t even have a national average for this stuff.
These days Apple will always say “no comment” to the request for any interview on this subject. Repeated requests from reporters to have access to the Foxconn plant have been denied. So, at least before you dial on your phone or type on your computer, secretly thank the poor Chinese kids little hands who put that device together for your enjoyment.
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