We are in the middle of an economic slump where it seems most American businesses are struggling, the NFL’s revenues are soaring and the TV ratings are at an all time high. More people watched this year’s Superbowl than any other show ever. So, the NFL has earned the title of being the most successful entertainment enterprise in the country. Really? Football?
Goodell has been Commissioner for the past 6 years and is on such good terms with the team owners that they have extended his job contract to the year 2019. Unlike the failures of the Basketball Association, he is tight with his Football Association. Last July after months of negotiations, Goodell and the Player’s Association signed a unheard of before Collective bargaining agreement that will bring a decade of labor peace and prosperty for both sides.
At age 52 he has spent his entire career in the NFL starting out as an intern. His Father was the late Congressman and Senator Charles Goodell. He is a regular visitor to tailgating parties around the league. A quarter of the League’s revenues about 2.4 Billion dollars still come from ticket sales with another 2.5 Billion dollars coming from licensing fees on everything from T-Shirts to Footballs.
It is not just Socialism , it seems to be a cartel as well thanks to a limited exemption from antitrust laws granted by Congress more than 50 years ago. They got 32 competiting teams but they share 80% of the revenues. They operate a draft for the players, they have salary caps, he depends on tax money to fund his stadiums. He is most proud that in the last nine years he has had at least one team go from last place to first place.
A lot of things like penalities for excessive touchdown celebrations, multigame suspensions for unsporstsmen like conduct and illegal helmet to helmet tackel. This guy can control their lives off and on the field. He responds by saying being part of the NFL is a priviledge not a right.
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