What happens when your dog finds himself in a house divided. Say, a unwilling bone of contention. Right now millions of people are driving a distance to their former spouses place to visit the pet they both raised together. As the couple fell out of love with each other, they never stopped loving their pet.
So, the quandary is How do you leave each other without leaving your pet? The legal solution is shared custody. The pet lives with one former spouse and the other one gets visitation with the animal. It has become increasingly more popular since more people do not stay together anymore.
Raul Felder a famous divorce attorney claims that people will kill the pet rather than have the spouse get it. Particularly, if there are no children in a marriage, the battle is on. Many feel that the magical bond between them and their pet is worth spending lots of money to fight for them. For those who do not have children the maternal bond lies with their pets.
Even in the happiest of breakups, tears are shed over their pets. Maybe with joint custody, the pet is getting the best of both worlds, quality time with their owners. Too bad the couple didn’t spend enough quality time with each other to rekindle why they were attracted to each other in the first place. Then their marriage would possibly be saved and the one big happy family would still be intact. Happy New Year and your new ideas for your immediate future.
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